GStream: A General Purpose Data-Streaming Framework on GPU Clusters
Project summary
Emerging accelerating architectures, such as GPUs, have proved
successful in providing significant performance gains to various
application domains. However, their viability to operate on general
streaming data is still unknown. We propose GStream, a
general-purpose, scalable data-streaming framework on GPUs. The
objectives of GStream are as follows: (1) To provide powerful, yet
concise language abstractions suitable to describe conventional
algorithms as streaming problems. (2) To project these abstractions
onto GPUs to fully exploit their inherent massive
data-parallelism. (3) To show the viability of streaming on
accelerators in experiments to assess flexibility, programmability and
performance gains for various benchmarks from a variety of domains,
including but not limited to data streaming, data parallel problems,
numerical codes and text search.
The proposed work will benefit stream-based and high-end
data-intensive computing for GPUs, specifically in the area of
massively data-parallel processing to support scalability, and to
adapt to changing environments.
"GStream: A General-Purpose Data Streaming Framework on GPUs" by
Yongpeng Zhang, Frank Mueller in GPU Technology Conference, Sep 2010 (talk
and poster).
"Large-Scale Multi-Dimensional Document Clustering on GPU
Clusters" by Y. Zhang, F. Mueller, X. Cui and
T. Potok in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, V ??,
No ?, Aug 2010 (accepted), pages ???-???.
"Large-Scale Multi-Dimensional Document Clustering on GPU
Clusters" by Y. Zhang, F. Mueller, X. Cui and
T. Potok in International Parallel and Distributed Processing
Symposium, Apr 2010.
"A Programming Model for Massive Data Parallelism with Data Dependencies" by Y. Zhang,
F. Mueller, X. Cui and T. Potok in Workshop on Programming Models
for Emerging Architectures, Sep 2009.
"GPU-Accelerated Text Mining" by Y. Zhang,
F. Mueller, X. Cui and T. Potok in Workshop on Exploiting
Parallelism using GPUs and other Hardware-Assisted Methods, Mar 2009.