ALF_ERR_POLICY_T - Callback function prototype that can be registered to the ALF runtime for customized error handling.


ALF_ERR_POLICY_T(*alf_error_handler_t)(void *p_context_data, int error_type, int error_code, char *error_string)

p_context_data [IN] A pointer given to the ALF runtime when the error handler is registered. The ALF runtime passes it to the error handler when the error handler is invoked. The error handler can use this pointer to keep its private data.
error_type [IN] A system-wide definition of error type codes, including the following:
  • ALF_ERR_FATAL: Cannot continue, the framework must shut down.
  • ALF_ERR_EXCEPTION: You can choose to retry or skip the current operation.
  • ALF_ERR_WARNING: You can choose to continue by ignoring the error.
error_code [IN] A type-specific error code.
error_string [IN] A C string that holds a printable text string that provides information about the error.


This is a callback function prototype that can be registered to the ALF runtime for customized error handling.


ALF_ERR_POLICY_RETRY Indicates that the ALF runtime should retry the operation that caused the error. If a severe error occurs and the ALF runtime cannot retry this operation, it will report an error and shut down.
ALF_ERR_POLICY_SKIP Indicates that the ALF runtime should stop the operation that caused the error and continue processing. If the error is severe and the ALF runtime cannot continue, it will report an error and shut down.
ALF_ERR_POLICY_ABORT Indicates that the ALF runtime must stop the operations and shut down.
ALF_ERR_POLICY_IGNORE Indicates that the ALF runtime will ignore the error and continue. If the error is severe and the ALF runtime cannot continue, it will report an error and shut down.
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