

alf_query_system_info - Queries basic configuration information.


int alf_query_system_info(alf_handle_t alf_handle, ALF_QUERY_SYS_INFO_T query_info, ALF_ACCEL_TYPE_T accel_type, unsigned int * p_query_result);

alf_handle [IN] Handle to the ALF runtime.
query_info [IN]

A query identification that indicates the item to be queried:

  • ALF_QUERY_NUM_ACCEL: Returns the number of accelerators in the system.
  • ALF_QUERY_HOST_MEM_SIZE: Returns the memory size of control nodes up to 4T bytes, in units of kilobytes (2^10 bytes). When the size of memory is more than 4T bytes, the total reported memory size is (ALF_QUERY_HOST_MEM_SIZE_EXT*4T + ALF_QUERY_HOST_MEM_SIZE*1K) bytes. In case of systems where virtual memory is supported, this should be the maximum size of one contiguous memory block that a single user space application could allocate.
  • ALF_QUERY_HOST_MEM_SIZE_EXT: Returns the memory size of control nodes, in units of 4T bytes (2^42 bytes).
  • ALF_QUERY_ACCEL_MEM_SIZE: Returns the memory size of accelerator nodes up to 4T bytes, in units of kilo bytes (2^10 bytes) . When the size of memory is more than 4T bytes, the total reported memory size is (ALF_QUERY_ACCEL_MEM_SIZE_EXT*4T + ALF_QUERY_ACCL_MEM_SIZE*1K) bytes. For systems where virtual memory is supported, this should be the maximum size of one contiguous memory block that a single user space application could allocate.
  • ALF_QUERY_ACCEL_MEM_SIZE_EXT: Returns the memory size of accelerator nodes, in units of 4T bytes (2^42 bytes).
  • ALF_QUERY_HOST_ADDR_ALIGN: Returns the basic requirement of memory address alignment on control node side, in exponential of 2. A zero stands for byte aligned address. A 4 is to align by 16 byte boundaries.
  • ALF_QUERY_ACCEL_ADDR_ALIGN: Returns the basic requirement of memory address alignment on accelerator node side, in exponential of 2. A zero stands for byte aligned address. An 8 is to align by 256 byte boundaries
  • ALF_QUERY_DTL_ADDR_ALIGN: Returns the address alignment of data transfer list entries, in exponential of 2. A zero stands for byte aligned address. An 8 is to align by 256 byte boundaries.
accel_type [IN] Accelerator type. There is only one accelerator type defined, which is ALF_ACCEL_TYPE_SPE
p_query_result [OUT] Pointer to a buffer where the return value of the query is saved. If the query fails, the result is undefined. If a NULL pointer is provided, the query value is not returned, but the call returns zero.


This function queries basic configuration information for the specific system on which ALF is running.


0 Successful, the result of query is returned by p_result if that pointer is not NULL
less than 0 Errors occurred:
  • ALF_ERR_INVAL: Unsupported query
  • ALF_BADF: Invalid ALF handle
  • ALF_ERR_GENERIC: Generic internal errors
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