Interacting with the simulator

There are two ways to interact with the simulator. Firstly, by issuing commands to the simulated system. Secondly, by issuing commands to the simulator.

The simulated system is the Linux environment on top of the simulated Cell Broadband Engine, where you run and debug programs. You interact with it by entering commands at the Linux command prompt, in the console window. The console window is a Linux shell of the simulated Linux operating system.

You can also control the simulator itself, configuring it to do such tasks as collect and display performance statistics on particular SPEs, or set breakpoints in code. These commands are entered at the simulator command line in the simulator command window, or using the equivalent actions in the graphical user interface (GUI).

The GUI is a graphical means of interacting with the simulator. The GUI is described in Graphical User Interface.

Figure 1 shows the simulator windows, and the layers with which they communicate.
Figure 1. Simulator structures and screenssimulator structures and screens