- Zeiten: Di, Do 9:30h RUD 25, III 111
- am 18.5. und 15.6. in IV 111
- am 20. und 22.6. keine Veranstaltung
RTL Standard
VPO/VPCC Distribution
VPO/VPCC Sources
VPO Source (maschinenunabhängig)
VPO Source (SPARC -- maschinenabhängig)
- Abgabe
von Übungsaufgaben und Benotung
- 1. Übungsblatt
- 2. Übungsblatt
- 3. Übungsblatt
- 4. Übungsblatt
- 5. Übungsblatt
- 6. Übungsblatt
- 7. Übungsblatt
- Binary Translation
- V. Bala, E. Duesterwald, S. Banerjia, ``Dynamo:
A Transparent Dynamic Optimization System'', PLDI 2000.
- E. Altman, D. Kaeli, and Y. Sheffer. ``Welcome to the Opportunities of Binary
Translation,'' IEEE Computer 33(3):40-46, March 2000.
- C. Zheng and C. Thompson. ``PA-RISC to IA-64: Transparent Execution, No
Recompilation,'' IEEE Computer 33(3):47-53, March 2000.
- Michael Gschwind, Erik R. Altman, Sumedh Sathaye, Paul Ledak,
and David Appenzeller,
``Dynamic and Transparent Binary Translation,''
IEEE Computer 33(3):54-59, March 2000.
- Cristina Cifuentes and Mike Van Emmerik, ``UQBT: Adaptable Binary
Translation at Low Cost'', IEEE Computer 33(3):60-67, March 2000.
- A. Klaiber, ``The Technology
Behind Crusoe(TM) Processors'', Technical Whitepaper, Transmeta, CA.
- VMware, Inc. Technical White
Paper, Palo Alto, CA,,
Feb. 1999.
Script und Lösungen
Das Buch zur Codeoptimierung
Avoiding Unconditional Jumps by Code Replication (Mueller/Whalley)
Avoiding Conditional Branches by Code Replication (Mueller/Whalley)
Zephyr Compiler Infrastructure Talk (pdf)
National Compiler Infrastructure Homepage (U. of Virginia)