Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing
edited by Xipeng Shen, Frank Mueller, James Tuck,
proceedings of the 28th International Workshop,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9519, ISBN: 978-3-319-29777-4, Springer 2016.
Reliable and Scalable Communication for the Power Grid
by C. Zimmer, F. Mueller
Chapter in "Cyber Physical Systems Approach to Smart Electric Power
Grid", edited by
Siddhartha Kumar Khaitan, James D. McCalley, and Chen Ching Liu
in "Understanding Complex Systems",
Springer, ISBN: 978-3-662-45927-0, Jan 2015, pages 195-217.
Intrusion Detection for CPS Real-Time Controllers
by C. Zimmer, B. Bhat, F. Mueller, S. Mohan
Chapter in "Cyber Physical Systems Approach to Smart Electric Power
Grid", edited by
Siddhartha Kumar Khaitan, James D. McCalley, and Chen Ching Liu
in "Understanding Complex Systems",
Springer, ISBN: 978-3-662-45927-0, Jan 2015, pages 329-358.
Transparent Fault Tolerance for Job Input Data in HPC
Environments by
Chao Wang, Sudharshan S. Vazhkudai, Xiaosong Ma,
and Frank Mueller, Chapter in "Handbook on Data Centers", edited by Albert Y. Zomaya and Samee U. Khan in
Handbook on Data Centers, Springer, Sep 2014.
- Special Issue: Best Papers: International Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS) 2010, 2011 and 2012, Guest
editors: Cynthia Phillips, Frank Mueller, Leonid Oliker, Katherine
Yelick, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), V 73, No 7, Jul
"Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time Embedded Technology and
Applications Symposium" by
S. Brandt and F. Mueller (eds.) in
IEEE Computer Press 2007
"Proceedings of the 2003
Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded
Systems" by Frank Mueller, Ulrich Kremer
(Eds.) in ACM 2003, isbn 1-58113-647-1.
"High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments" by
F. Mueller (ed.) in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2026, Springer 2001
"Parallel and Distributed Processing" (Workshop Proceedings of
IPPS/SPDP'99) by J. Rolim and F. Mueller and
A. Zomaya and F. Ercal and F. Ercal and S. Olariu and B. Ravindran and
J. Gustafsson and H. Takada and R. Olsson and L. Kale and P. Backman
and M. Haines and H. ElGindy and D. Coaromel and S. Chaumette and
G. Fox and Y. Pan and K. Li and T. Yang and G. Chiola and G. Conte and
L. Mancini and D. Mery and B. Sanders and D. Bhatt and V. Parsanna
(eds.) in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1586, Springer 1999
"Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems" by
F. Mueller and A. Bestravros (eds.) in
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 1474, Springer 1998
- NUMA-aware memory coloring for multicore real-time systems
Xing Pan, Frank Mueller in
Journal of Systems Architecture, Sep 2021, DOI 10.1016/j.sysarc.2021.102188
"Hummingbird: Efficient Performance Prediction for
Executing Genomic Applications in the Cloud"
by Amir Bahmani, Ziye Xing, Vandhana Krishnan, Utsab Ray,
Frank Mueller, Amir Alavi, Philip S. Tsao, Michael P. Snyder, Cuiping
Pan in Bioinformatics, Vol. 37, Issue 17, pp. 2537-2543, Sep 2021, DOI 10.1093/bioinformatics/btab161.
"BarrierFinder: Recognizing Ad Hoc Barriers"
by Tao Wang, Xiao Yu, Zhengyi Qiu, Guoliang Jin,
Frank Mueller in Empirical Software Engineering (EMSE),
Vol. 25, No. 6, pp 4676-4706, Nov 2020.
"Co-Scheduling on Fused CPU-GPU Architectures with Shared Last Level
Caches" by Marvin Damschen, Frank Mueller, Joerg
Henkel in Conference on Compiler, Architecture and Synthesis on
Embedded Systems (CASES'18), Oct 2018, published in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), DOI 10.1109/TCAD.2018.2857042.
"A Failure Recovery Protocol for Software-Defined Real-Time Networks"
by Tao Qian, Frank Mueller in Conference on
Compiler, Architecture and Synthesis on Embedded Systems (CASES'18),
Oct 2018, published in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), DOI 10.1109/TCAD.2018.2857299.
"KeyValueServe: Design and Performance Analysis of a Multi-Tenant Data Grid as a Cloud Service in Concurrency and Computation"
by A. Das, A. Iyengar, F. Mueller
in Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (CCPE), V 30,
No 14, Jan 2018, pages 1-22, DOI 10.1002/cpe.4424.
"DINO: Divergent Node Cloning for Sustained Redundancy in HPC"
by A. Rezaei, F. Mueller, P. Hargrove, E. Roman
in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), V 109,
No C, Jul 2017, pages 350-362, DOI 10.1016/j.jpdc.2017.06.010.
"Scalable Communication Event Tracing via Clustering"
by A. Bahmani, F. Mueller
in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), V 109,
No C, Jul 2017, pages 230-244, DOI 10.1016/j.jpdc.2017.06.008.
"Efficient Clustering for Ultra-Scale Application Tracing"
by A. Bahmani, F. Mueller
in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), V 98,
No 12, Aug 2016, pages 25-39, DOI 10.1016/j.jpdc.2016.08.001.
"Exploiting Data Representation for Fault
Tolerance" by J. Elliott, M. Hoemmen,
F. Mueller", Journal of Computational Science, Vol. 14, May 2016, pages 51-60.
- A fine-grained block ILU scheme on regular structures for GPGPUs
by L. Luo, J. Edwards, H. Luo,
F. Mueller in Journal of Computers and
Fluids, Vol. 119, Sep 2015, pages 149-161, DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2015.07.005
"Architecture Aware Semi Partitioned Real-Time Scheduling on Multicore
by M. Shekhar, A. Sarkar, H. Ramaprasad,
F. Mueller, Real-Time Systems Journal (RTSJ),
Feb 2015, pages, doi:10.1007/s11241-015-9221-4
- OpenACC Acceleration
of an Unstructured CFD Solver Based on a Reconstructed
Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Compressible Flows
by Y. Xia, H. Luo, L. Luo, J. Edwards, J. Lou,
F. Mueller in International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Fluids, DOI 10.1002/fld.4009, Feb 2015.
- NoCMsg: A Scalable
Message Passing Abstraction for
Network-on-Chips by Christopher Zimmer, Frank
Mueller in ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code
Optimization (TACO), Vol. 12, No. 1, Apr 2015.
A Methodology for Automatic Generation of Executable Communication
Specifications from Parallel MPI Applications
by X. Wu, F. Mueller, S. Pakin
in ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing (ToPC), Vol. 1, No. 1, Sep 2014,
DOI 10.1145/2660249.
"Static Task Partitioning for Locked Caches in Multi-Core Real-Time Systems"
by A. Sarkar, F. Mueller and H. Ramaprasad in ACM Transactions on
Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Vol. 14, No. 1, Jun 2015,
pages 4:1-4:30.
"Auto-Generation and
Auto-Tuning of 3D Stencil Codes on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous GPU Clusters" by Y. Zhang and F. Mueller in Transactions on
Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), Vol. 24, No. 3, Mar 2013, pages 417-427, DOI 10.1109/TPDS.2012.160.
"ScalaExtrap: Trace-Based Communication Extrapolation for SPMD Programs"
by X. Wu, F. Mueller
in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages (TOPLAS), Vol. 34, No. 1, Apr
2012, DOI 10.1145/2160910.2160914.
"Proactive Process-Level Live Migration and Back Migration in HPC Environments"
by C. Wang, F. Mueller, C. Engelmann and S. Scott
in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), V 72,
No 2, Feb 2012, pages 254-267, DOI 10.1016/j.jpdc.2011.10.009.
"Memory Trace Compression and Replay for SPMD Systems using Extended PRSDs"
by S. Ramanna, F. Mueller, T. Gamblin, The
Computer Journal, Oxford University Press, Vol. 55, No. 2, Feb 2012,
pages 206-217, DOI 10.1093/comjnl/bxr071.
"Making DRAM Refresh Predictable"
by B. Bhat, F. Mueller
in Real-Time Systems Journal (RTSJ), Vol. 47, No. 5, Sep 2011, pages 430-453.
"Large-Scale Multi-Dimensional Document Clustering on GPU
Clusters" by Y. Zhang, F. Mueller, X. Cui and
T. Potok in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), V 71,
No 2, Feb 2011, pages 211-224.
"Feedback-Directed Page Placement for ccNUMA via Hardware-generated
Memory Traces" by
J. Marathe, V. Thakkar, and F. Mueller
in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), V 70,
No 12, Dec 2010, pages 1204-1219.
"Tightening the Bounds on Feasible Preemptions"
by H. Ramaprasad and
F. Mueller
in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS),
Vol. 10, No. 2, Dec 2010, DOI 10.1145/1880050.1880063.
"Parametric Timing Analysis and Its Application to Dynamic Voltage Scaling" by S. Mohan and
F. Mueller and W. Hawkins and M. Root and D. Whalley and C. Healy
in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS),
Vol. 10, No. 2, Dec 2010, DOI 10.1145/1880050.1880061.
"ScalaTrace: Scalable
Compression and Replay of Communication Traces in High Performance Computing"
by M. Noeth and P. Ratn and F. Mueller and M. Schulz and B. de
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), V 69, No 8, Aug 2009, pages 969-710.
"The Worst-Case Execution
Time Problem - Overview of Methods and Survey of Tools"
by R. Wilhelm, J. Engblohm, A. Ermedahl,
N. Holsti, S. Thesing, D. Whalley, G. Bernat, C. Ferdinand,
R. Heckmann, T. Mitra, F. Mueller, I. Puaut, P. Puschner,
J. Staschulat, P. Stenström
in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS),
Vol. 7, No. 3, Apr 2008, pages 1-53.
"Exploiting Synchronous
and Asynchronous DVS for Feedback EDF Scheduling on an Embedded
Platform" by Y. Zhu and F. Mueller
in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS),
Vol. 7, No. 1, Dec 2007, pages 1-26.
"Source-Code Correlated
Cache Coherence Characterization of OpenMP Benchmarks" by J. Marathe
and F. Mueller in
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), vol. 18, No. 6,
Jun 2007, pages 818-834.
"METRIC: Memory Tracing via Dynamic Binary Rewriting to Identify Cache Inefficiencies"
by J. Marathe F. Mueller, T. Mohan, S. McKee, B. de Supinski, A. Yoo
in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages (TOPLAS), Vol. 29, No. 2, Apr 2007, pages 1-36.
"Analysis of Cache Coherence Bottlenecks with Hybrid Hardware/Software Techniques" by
J. Marathe F. Mueller and B. de Supinski
in ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), Vol. 3, No. 4, Dec 2006, pages 390-423.
"Improving WCET by Applying Worst-case Path Optimizations" by
W. Zhao and W. Kreahling and D. Whalley and C. Healy
and F. Mueller
in Real-Time Systems Journal (RTSJ), Vol. 34, No. 2, Oct 2006, pages 129-152.
"FAST: Frequency-Aware
Static Timing Analysis" by K. Seth,
A. Anantaraman, F. Mueller, E. Rotenberg in ACM Transactions on
Embedded Computing Systems (TECS), Vol. 5, No. 1, Feb 2006, pages 200-224.
"Improving WCET by
Applying a WC Code Positioning Optimization" by W. Zhao, D. Whalley, C. Healy and F. Mueller in ACM
Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), Vol 2, No 3, Dec
2005, pages 335-365.
"Feedback EDF Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks Exploiting Dynamic Voltage Scaling"
by Y. Zhu and F. Mueller
in Real-Time Systems Journal (RTSJ), Vol. 31, No. 1-3, Dec 2005, pages 33-63.
"Scalable Hierarchical
Locking for Distributed Systems" by N. Desai
and F. Mueller in
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), V 64, No 6, Jun 2004,
pages 708-724.
"Communication Characteristics of Large-Scale Scientific Applications for Contemporary Cluster Architectures" by
J. Vetter and F. Mueller
in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Vol. 63, No. 9, Sep
2003, pages 853-865.
"Handling Irreducible Loops: Optimized Node Splitting vs. DJ-Graphs"
S. Unger and Frank Mueller
in ACM Transactions on Programming Languages (TOPLAS), Vol. 24, No. 4, 2002,
pages 299-333.
"LegoSim: Simulation of Embedded Kernels over Pthreads" by
T. Röblitz and Oliver Bühn and Frank Mueller
in ACM Journal on Educational Resources in Education, Vol. 2,
No. 1, 2002, March pages 117-130.
"A Comparison of Static Analysis and Evolutionary Testing for
the Verification of Timing Constraints"
by J. Wegener and F. Mueller
in Real-Time
Systems Journal (RTSJ), Vol. 21, No. 3, Nov 2001, pages 241-268
"Timing Analysis for Instruction Caches"
by F. Mueller
in Real-Time Systems Journal (RTSJ), Vol. 18, No. 2/3, May 2000, pages 209-239
"Timing Analysis for Data and Wrap-Around Fill Caches"
by R. T. White and F. Mueller and C. Healy and
D. Whalley and M. G. Harmon
in Real-Time Systems Journal (RTSJ), Vol. 17, No. 2/3, Nov 1999, pages 209-233
"Bounding Pipeline and
Instruction Cache Performance" by C. A. Healy
and R. D. Arnold and F. Mueller and D. Whalley and M. G. Harmon in
IEEE Transactions on Computers (ToC), vol. 48, No. 1, Jan 1999, pages 53-70
T-Tex: Timed Threaded Execution in Real-Time OpenMP
Swastik Mittal and Frank Mueller in
International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), May 2025.
Synthesis of Approximate Parametric Circuits for Variational Quantum Algorithms by
Blake Burgstahler, Frank Mueller and
Scott Pakin in
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Sep 2024.
"OpenMP-RT: Native Pragma Support for Real-Time Tasks and Synchronization with LLVM under Linux" by
Brayden McDonald and Frank Mueller
in ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for
Embedded Systems (LCTES), Jun 2024, pages 119-130.
- Workload Scheduling on Heterogeneous Devices
by Harsh Khetawat and Frank Mueller
in International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), Jun 2024.
- SUIT: Secure Undervolting with Instruction Traps by
Jonas Juffinger, Stepan Kalinin, Daniel Gruss, Frank Mueller in ACM Int'l Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Apr/May 2024
- Predicting GPUDirect Benefits for HPC Workloads by
Harsh Khetawat, Nikhil Jain, Abhinav Bhatele, Frank Mueller in
Euromicro Internation Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP), Mar
, Best Paper Award.
- DISQ: Dynamic Iteration Skipping for Variational Quantum Algorithms by
Junyao Zhang, Hanrui Wang, Gokul Subramanian Ravi, Fred Chong, Song Han, Frank Mueller, Yiran Chen in
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Oct
- QisDAX: An Open Source Bridge from Qiskit to Ion Trap Quantum Devices by
Kaustubh Badrike, Aniket S. Dalvi, Filip Mazurek, Marissa D'Onofrio, Jacob Whitlow, Tianyi Chen, Samuel Phiri, Leon Riesebos, Kenneth R. Brown, Frank Mueller in
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Oct
2023. Software artifact QisDAX
Combining Hard and Soft Constraints in Quantum Constraint-Satisfaction Systems
by Ellis Wilson, Frank Mueller, Scott Pakin
in Supercomputing (SC), Nov 2022, pages (accepted). Software artifact
github and NchooseK main repo
- P-ckpt: Coordinated Prioritized Checkpointing by
Subhendu Behera, Lipeng Wan, Frank Mueller, Matthew Wolf, Scott Klasky in
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Jun
- Quantum Physics Inspired Methods for Two-Batch PWR Loading Pattern Optimization by
Joseph Fustero, Frank Mueller, David Kropaczek, Colleen Farrelly in
American Nuclear Society, Annual Meeting (ANS-AM), Jun 2022
- CLAIRE: Enabling Continual Learning for Real-time Autonomous Driving with a Dual-head Architecture
Hao Zhang, Frank Mueller in
IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC), May 2022.
T-SYS: Timed-Based System Security for Real-Time Kernels,
by B. McDonald and F. Mueller
International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), May 2022.
"Empirical Evaluation of Circuit Approximations on Noisy Quantum Devices"
by Ellis Wilson, Frank
Mueller, Lindsay Bassman, Constin Iancu,
in Supercomputing (SC), Nov 2021, pages, Preprint arXiv:2107.06701
- Quantum Annealing
Stencils with Applications to Fuel Loading of a Nuclear Reactor by
Joseph Fustero, Scott Palmtag, Frank Mueller in
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Oct
PEARS: A Performance-Aware Static and Dynamic Framework for Heterogeneous Memory
by Onkar Patil, Latchesar Ionkov, Jason Lee, Frank Mueller, Michael Lang,
in International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS), Oct 2021, pages.
NVM-based energy and cost efficient HPC clusters
by Onkar Patil, Latchesar Ionkov, Jason Lee, Frank Mueller, Michael Lang,
in International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS), Oct 2021, pages.
- T-Pack: Timed Network Security for Real Time Systems
Swastik Mittal, Frank Mueller in
IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC), May 2021.
"Systemic Assessment of
Node Failures in HPC Production Platforms"
by A. Das, F. Mueller, B. Rountree, in
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2021.
"VCFC: Structural and Semantic Compression and
Indexing of Genetic Variant Data"
by Kyle Ferriter, Frank Mueller, Amir Bahmani,
Cuiping Pan in
IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine
(BIBM), Dec 2020.
"Symbiotic HW Cache and SW DTLB Prefetching for DRAM/NVM Hybrid Memory"
by Onkar Patil, Frank Mueller, Latchesar Ionkov, Jason Lee and Michael Lang,
in IEEE Symposium on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Computer
and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), Nov 2020.
- Just-in-time Quantum Circuit Transpilation Reduces Noise by
Ellis Wilson, Sudhakar Singh, Frank Mueller in
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Oct
2020, Preprint arXiv:2005.12820
- Orchestrating Fault Prediction with Live Migration and Checkpointing by
Subhendu Behera, Lipeng Wan, Frank Mueller, Matthew Wolf, Scott Klasky in
High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), Jun
- CodeSeer: Input-dependent Code Variants Selection Via Machine Learning
by Tao Wang, Nikhil Jain, David Boehme, David Beckingsale, Frank Mueller and Todd Gamblin
in International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Jun 2020.
"Aarohi: Making Real-Time Node Failure Prediction Feasible"
by A. Das, F. Mueller, B. Rountree, in
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2020.
"Hiding DRAM Refresh Overhead in Real-Time Cyclic Executives"
by Xing Pan and
Frank Mueller
in Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Dec 2019, pages.
"Uncore Power Scavenger: A
Runtime for Uncore Power Conservation on HPC Systems"
by Neha Gholkar, Frank Mueller, Barry Rountree,
in Supercomputing (SC), Nov 2019, pages.
"Performance characterization of a DRAM-NVM
hybrid memory architecture for HPC applications
using Intel Optane DC Persistent Memory Modules"
by Onkar Patil, Latchesar Ionkov, Jason Lee, Frank Mueller, Michael Lang,
in International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS), Sep/Oct 2019, pages.
"BarrierFinder: Recognizing Ad Hoc Barriers" by Tao Wang, Xiao Yu, Zhengyi Qiu, Guoliang Jin, Frank Mueller in International Conference
on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), Sep/Oct 2019.
- "Evaluating Burst
Buffer Placement in HPC Systems" by
Harsh Khetawat, Christopher Zimmer, Frank Mueller, Scott Atchley,
Sudharshan Vazhkudai, Misbah Mubarak in Cluster, Sep 2019, Best Paper Award.
"FuncyTuner: Auto-tuning Scientific Applications With Per-loop
Compilation" by Tao Wang, Nikhil Jain, David
Beckingsale, David Boehme, Frank
Mueller, Todd Gamblin in International Conference
on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Aug 2019, Best Paper Candidate.
- Automatically Translating Quantum Programs
from a Subset of Common Gates to an Adiabatic Representation
by Malcolm Regan, Brody Eastwood, Mahita Nagabhiru, Frank Mueller in International Conference on Reversible Computation (RC),
Springer LNCS 11497, eds. M. K. Thomsen and M. Soeken, Jun 2019, pages 146-161.
- Implementing NChooseK on IBM Q Quantum Computers
by Harsh Khetawat, Ashlesha Atrey, George Li, Frank Mueller, Scott Pakin in International Conference on Reversible Computation (RC),
Springer LNCS 11497, eds. M. K. Thomsen and M. Soeken, Jun 2019, pages 209-223.
- End-to-end Resilience for HPC Applications
by A. Rezaei, H. Khetawat, O. Patil, F. Mueller, P. Hargrove, E. Roman
in International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), Jun 2019.
Gauss Award for "most outstanding research paper submitted to ISC"
- The Colored Refresh Server for DRAM
Xing Pan, Frank Mueller in
IEEE International Symposium on Real-Time Computing (ISORC), May 2019.
"CloneHadoop: Process Cloning to Reduce Hadoop's
Long Tail" by Sarthak Kukreti, Frank
in IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing,
Applications and Technologies (BDCAT), Dec 2018, pages, Best Paper Award.
"Doomsday: Predicting Which Node Will Fail When
on Supercomputers" by Anwesha Das, Frank
Mueller, Paul Hargrove, Eric Roman, Scott Baden,
in Supercomputing (SC), Nov 2018, pages, Best Student Paper Candidate.
"Co-Scheduling on Fused CPU-GPU Architectures with Shared Last Level
Caches" by Marvin Damschen, Frank Mueller, Joerg
Henkel in Conference on Compiler, Architecture and Synthesis on
Embedded Systems (CASES'18), Oct 2018, published in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), DOI 10.1109/TCAD.2018.2857042.
"A Failure Recovery Protocol for Software-Defined Real-Time Networks"
by Tao Qian, Frank Mueller in Conference on
Compiler, Architecture and Synthesis on Embedded Systems (CASES'18),
Oct 2018, published in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), DOI 10.1109/TCAD.2018.2857299.
- PShifter:
Feedback-based Dynamic Power Shifting within HPC Jobs for Performance by
Neha Gholkar, Frank Mueller, Barry Rountree in
High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), Jun
2018, pages 106-117.
- Desh: Deep Learning for System Health Prediction of Lead
Times to Failure in HPC by
Anwesha Das, Frank Mueller, Charles Siegel, Abhinav Vishnu in
High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), Jun
2018, pages 40-51.
"Chameleon: Online Clustering of MPI Program Traces"
by A. Bahmani, F. Mueller, in
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2018
- Controller-Aware Memory Coloring for Multicore Real-Time Systems
Xing Pan, Frank Mueller in
Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), Apr 2018, DOI 10.1145/3167132.3167196.
- A Linux Real-Time
Packet Scheduler for Reliable Static SDN Routing
by T. Qian, Frank Mueller and Yufeng Xin in
Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), Jul 2017, Outstanding Paper Award.
- ScalaIOExtrap: Elastic I/O Tracing and Extrapolation
Xiaoqing Luo, Frank Mueller, Philip Carns, Jonathan
Jenkins, Robert Latham, Robert Ross and Shane Snyder in
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
(IPDPS), May 2017.
- Benchmark Generation and Simulation at Extreme Scale
by Mahesh Lagadapati, Frank Mueller, Christian Engelmann
in International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time
Applications (DS-RT), Sep 2016, pages 9-18.
- FlipSphere: A Software-based DRAM Error Detection and Correction Library for HPC
by David Fiala, Frank Mueller, Kurt Ferreira
in International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real Time
Applications (DS-RT), Sep 2016.
- Power Tuning HPC Jobs on Power-Constrained Systems
by Neha Gholkar, Frank Mueller, Barry Rountree
in International Conference on Parallel Architecture and
Compilation Techniques (PACT), Sep 2016.
- Hybrid MPI/OpenMP
Programming on the Tilera Manycore Architecture
by Vishwanathan Chandu, Frank Mueller
in International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), Jul 2016.
- A Resilient Software
Infrastructure for Wide-Area Measurement Systems
by Tao Qian, Hang Xu, Aranya Chakrabortty, Frank Mueller, Yufeng Xin in IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Jul 2016.
- Performance Analysis
of a Multi-Tenant In-memory Data Grid
by Anwesha Das, Frank Mueller, Xiaohui Gu, Arun Iyengar
in IEEE Cloud, Jun/Jul 2016.
- Efficient and
Predictable Group Communication for Manycore NoCs
by Karthik Yagna, Onkar Patil, Frank Mueller
in International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), Jun 2016.
- Distributed Job
Allocation for Large-Scale Manycores
by Subramanian Ramachandran, Frank Mueller
in International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), Jun 2016.
- Mini-Ckpts: Surviving
OS Failures in Persistent Memory
by David Fiala, Frank Mueller, Kurt Ferreira,
Christian Engelmann
in International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Jun 2016.
- TintMalloc:
Reducing Memory Access Divergence via Controller-Aware Coloring
Xing Pan, Yasaswini Gownivaripalli, Frank Mueller in
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2016.
Reducing NoC and Memory Contention for Manycores
by V. Chandru, F. Mueller
in Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS), Apr 2016.
OpenACC directive-based GPU acceleration of an
implicit reconstructed discontinuous Galerkin method
for compressible Rows on 3D unstructured grids
by J. Lou, Y. Xia, L. Luo, H. Luo, J. R. Edwards, F. Mueller in AIAA SciTech, Jan 2016.
ACURDION: An Adaptive Clustering-based
Algorithm for Tracing Large-scale MPI Applications
by A. Bahmani, F. Mueller
in IEEE Big Data, Oct 2015.
"DINO: Divergent Node Cloning for Sustained Redundancy in HPC"
by A. Rezaei, F. Mueller
in Cluster, Sep 2015, pages 180-183.
"Evaluation of Memory Access Arbitration Algorithm on Tilera's TILEPro64 Platform"
by M. Shekhar, H. Ramaprasad,
F. Mueller, International Conference on Embedded Software and
Systems (invited), Aug 2015.
- Hybrid EDF Packet
Scheduling for Real-Time
Distributed Systems by T. Qian, Frank Mueller in
Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), Jul 2015, pages 37-46.
- A Numerical Soft Fault
Model for Iterative Linear Solvers by
James Elliott, Mark Hoemmen, Frank Mueller in
High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), Jun
2015, pages 271-274.
Optimization of a
Fine-grained BILU by CUDA Inter-block Synchronization
by L. Luo, J. R. Edwards, H. Luo, F. Mueller,
W.-C. Feng in AIAA Aviation, pages 3055-3071, Jun 2015.
"Providing Task Isolation via TLB Coloring"
by S. Panchamukhi and F. Mueller
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Apr
2015, pages 3-13.
Advanced Optimizations of An
Implicit Navier-Stokes Solver on GPGPU
by L. Luo, J. Edwards, H. Luo, F. Mueller in AIAA SciTech, Jan 2015.
OpenACC-based GPU
Acceleration of a p-multigrid Discontinuous Galerkin Method for
Compressible Flows on 3D Unstructured Grids
by J. Lou, Y. Xia, L. Luo, H. Luo, J. R. Edwards, F. Mueller in AIAA SciTech, Jan 2015.
"Affinity-Aware Checkpoint Restart"
by A. Saini, A. Rezaei, F. Mueller, P. Hargrove, E. Roman
in Middleware, Dec 2014, pages 121-132.
- ScalaJack: Customized Scalable Tracing with in-situ Data Analysis by S. Ananthakrishnan, Frank Mueller in
Euro-Par Conference, Aug 2014, pages 13-25.
- A Real-Time Distributed Hash Table by T. Qian, Frank Mueller in
Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and
Applications (RTCSA), Aug 2014, pages 1-10.
- A Real-time Distributed Storage System for Multi-Resolution Virtual Synchrophasor by Tao Qian, Aranya Chakrabortty, Frank Mueller, Yufeng Xin in
IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, Jul 2014.
- Snapify: Capturing
Snapshots of Offload Applications on Xeon Phi Manycore
Processors by Arash Rezaei, Guiseppe Coviello,
Cheng-Hong Li, Srimat Chakradhar, Frank Mueller in
High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), Jun
2014, pages 1-12.
Scalable Tracing of MPI Programs through Signature-Based Clustering Algorithms
by A. Bahmani, F. Mueller
in International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Jun 2014,
pages 155-164.
"Network-on-Chip Aware Scheduling of Hard-Real-Time Tasks",
by M. Shekhar, H. Ramaprasad,
F. Mueller, Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES),
Jun 2014, pages 141-150.
GPU Port of A Parallel
Incompressible Navier-Stokes Solver based on OpenACC and
MVAPICH2 by L. Luo, J. R. Edwards, H. Luo,
F. Mueller in AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference, Jun 2014.
On the multi-GPU computing
of a reconstructed discontinuous Galerkin method for compressible
flows on 3D hybrid grids by Y. Xia, J. Luo, H. Luo, J. R. Edwards, F. Mueller in AIAA Theoretical Fluid Mechanics Conference, Jun 2014.
- NoCMsg: Scalable
NoC-Based Message Passing by Christopher Zimmer, Frank Mueller in
International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (ccGrid),
May 2014, pages 186-195.
- Evaluating the Impact of SDC on the GMRES Iterative Solver by James Elliott, Mark Hoemmen, Frank Mueller in
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
(IPDPS), May 2014, pages 1193-1202.
- Understanding the
Tradeoffs between Software-Managed vs. Hardware-Managed Caches in
GPUs by Chao Li, Yi Yang, Hongwen Dai, Shengen
Yan, Frank Mueller, Huiyang Zhou in IEEE International
Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS),
Mar 2014, pages 231-242.
Performance Assessment of A
Multi-block Incompressible
Navier-Stokes Solver using Directive-based GPU Programming
in a Cluster Environment by L. Luo, J. R. Edwards,
H. Luo, F. Mueller in AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (SciTech), Jan 2014.
OpenACC-based GPU
Acceleration of a 3-D
Unstructured Discontinuous Galerkin Method
by Y. Xia, H. Luo, L. Luo, J. Edwards, J. Lou,
F. Mueller in AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (SciTech), Jan 2014.
Elastic and Scalable Tracing and Accurate Replay of Non-Deterministic Events
by X. Wu, F. Mueller
in International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Jun 2013, pages 59-68.
"HiDP: A Hierarchical Data
Parallel Language" by Y. Zhang and F. Mueller in International
Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), Feb 2013,
pages 1=11.
"Detection and Correction of Silent Data Corruption for Large-Scale
High-Performance Computing" by D. Fiala, F. Mueller, C. Engelmann, R. Riesen, K. Ferreira, R. Brightwell,
in Supercomputing (SC), Nov 2012, pages 78:1--78:12.
"Static Task Partitioning for Locked Caches in Multi-Core Real-Time Systems"
by A. Sarkar, F. Mueller and H. Ramaprasad in
Conference on Compiler, Architecture and Synthesis on Embedded
Systems (CASES'12), Oct 2012, pages 161-170.
"CuNesl: Compiling Nested Data-Parallel Languages for SIMT
Architectures" by Y. Zhang, Frank
Mueller in International Conference
on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Sep 2012, DOI 10.1109/ICPP.2012.21.
"Semi-Partitioned Hard-Real-Time Scheduling Under Locked Cache
Migration in Multicore Systems"
by M. Shekhar, A. Sarkar, H. Ramaprasad,
F. Mueller, Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS),
Jul 2012, pages 331-340.
"Combining Partial Redundancy and Checkpointing for HPC" by J. Elliott, K. Kharbas, D. Fiala, F. Mueller, K. Ferreira,
C. Engelmann in International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Jun 2012, DOI 10.1109/ICDCS.2012.56.
Auto-Generation of Communication Benchmark Traces"
by X. Wu, V. Deshpande, F. Mueller, in
International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2012
DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2012.114.
"Low Contention Mapping of Real-Time Tasks onto a TilePro 64 Core Processor",
by C. Zimmer and F. Mueller
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Apr
2012, pages 131-140.
"Fault Resilient Real-Time Design for NoC Architectures",
by C. Zimmer and F. Mueller
International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Apr 2012, pages 75-84.
"Auto-Generation and Auto-Tuning of 3D Stencil Codes on GPU Clusters" by Y. Zhang and F. Mueller in International
Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), Apr 2012, pages 155-164.
"Assessing HPC Failure Detectors for MPI Jobs"
by K. Kharbas, D. Kim, T. Hoefler and
F. Mueller
in Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and
Network-Based Computing (PDP), Feb 2012, pages 81-88.
"Probabilistic Communication and I/O Tracing with Deterministic Replay
at Scale" by Xing Wu, Karthik Vijayakumar, Frank
Mueller, Xiaosong Ma, Philip C. Roth in International Conference
on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Sep 2011, pages 196-205.
"GStream: A General-Purpose Data Streaming Framework on GPU
Clusters" by Yongpeng Zhang, Frank
Mueller in International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Sep
2011, pages 245-254.
"Comparing different approaches for Incremental Checkpointing: The Showdown"
by M. Vasavada, F. Mueller, P. Hargrove
in Linux Symposium, Jun 2011, pages 69-79.
Automatic Generation of Executable Communication Specifications from Parallel Applications
by X. Wu, F. Mueller, S. Pakin
in International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Jun 2011, pages 12-21.
"Predictable Task Migration for Locked Caches in Multi-Core Systems" by
A. Sarkar, F. Mueller and H. Ramaprasad
in ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for
Embedded Systems (LCTES), Jun 2011, pages 131-140.
"ScalaExtrap: Trace-Based Communication Extrapolation for SPMD Programs"
by X. Wu, F. Mueller
in ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel
Programming (PPoPP), Feb 2011, pages 113-122.
"Hybrid Checkpointing for MPI Jobs in HPC Environments"
by C. Wang, F. Mueller, C. Engelmann and S. Scott
in International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems
(ICPADS), Dec 2010, pages 524-533.
"Fault Tolerant Network Routing through Software Overlays for
Intelligent Power Grids" by
C. Zimmer, F. Mueller in International Conference on
Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), Dec 2010, pages 542-549.
"Making DRAM Refresh Predictable"
by B. Bhat, F. Mueller
, Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS), Jul 2010,
pages 145-154.
"ScalaTrace: Tracing, Analysis and Modeling of HPC Codes at Scale"
by F. Mueller, X. Wu, M. Schulz, B. de
Supinski, T. Gamblin in Para 2010: State of the Art in
Scientific and Parallel Computing (invited), Springer LNCS 7133,
eds. K. Jonasson, Jun 2010, pages 410-418.
"Large-Scale Multi-Dimensional Document Clustering on GPU
Clusters" by Y. Zhang, F. Mueller, X. Cui and
T. Potok in International Parallel and Distributed Processing
Symposium (IPDPS), Apr 2010, DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2010.5470429.
"Time-Based Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems" by
Christopher Zimmer, Balasubramany Bhat, Frank Mueller, Sibin Mohan in
International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS), Apr 2010, pages 109-118.
"CheckerCore: Enhancing an FPGA Soft Core to Capture Worst-Case Execution Times"
by Jin Ouyang, Raghuveer Raghavendra, Sibin Mohan, Tao Zhang, Yuan Xie and Frank Mueller in
Conference on Compiler, Architecture and Synthesis on Embedded
Systems (CASES), Oct 2009, pages 175-184.
"Improving the Availability of Supercomputer Job Input Data Using Temporal Replication"
by C. Wang, Z. Zhang, S. Vazhkudai, X. Ma,
and F. Mueller
in International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), Jun 2009, pages 149-157.
"Push-Assisted Migration of Real-Time Tasks in Multi-Core Processors" by
A. Sarkar and F. Mueller
in ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for
Embedded Systems (LCTES), Jun 2009, pages 80-89.
"Bounding Worst-Case Response Time for Tasks under PIP"
by H. Ramaprasad and F. Mueller
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Apr
2009, pages 183-192.
"Merging State and Preserving Timing Anomalies in Pipelines of High-End Processors"
by S. Mohan and
F. Mueller
in Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Dec 2008, pages 467-477.
"Proactive Process-Level Live Migration in HPC Environments"
by C. Wang, F. Mueller, C. Engelmann and S. Scott
in Supercomputing (SC), Nov 2008, DOI 10.1109/SC.2008.5222634.
"On-the-fly Recovery of Job Input Data in Supercomputers"
by C. Wang, Z. Zhang, S. Vazhkudai, X. Ma,
and F. Mueller
in International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP), Sep 2008, pages 620-627.
"Preserving Time in Large-Scale Communication Traces"
by P. Ratn and F. Mueller and M. Schulz and B. de
in International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Jun 2008, pages 46-55.
"Bounding Worst-Case Response Time for Tasks with Non-Preemptive Regions" by H. Ramaprasad and F. Mueller
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Apr
2008, pages 58-67.
"Hybrid Timing Analysis of Modern Processor Pipelines via Hardware/Software Interactions" by S. Mohan and F. Mueller
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Apr
2008, pages 285-294.
"Optimizing Center Performance through Coordinated Data Staging,
Scheduling and Recovery"
by Z. Zhang, C. Wang, S. Vazhkudai, X. Ma,
G. Pike, J. Cobb and F. Mueller
in Supercomputing (SC), Nov 2007, DOI 10.1145/1362622.1362696.
"Proactive Fault Tolerance for HPC with Xen Virtualization"
by A. Nagarajan and F. Mueller and C. Engelmann and
S. Scott
in International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Jun 2007, pages 23-32.
"DVSleak: Combining Leakage Reduction and Voltage Scaling in Feedback EDF Scheduling
" by
Y. Zhu and F. Mueller
in ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for
Embedded Systems (LCTES), Jun 2007, pages 31-40.
"Scalable Compression and Replay of Communication Traces in Massively Parallel Environments"
by M. Noeth and F. Mueller and M. Schulz and B. de
Supinski in International Parallel and Distributed Processing
Symposium (IPDPS), Mar
2007, DOI 10.1145/1188455.1188605, Best Paper Award.
"A Job Pause Service under LAM/MPI+BLCR for Transparent Fault Tolerance"
by C. Wang and F. Mueller and C. Engelmann and
S. Scott"
in International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Mar
2007, DOI 10.1145/1188455.1188605.
"Tightening the Bounds on Feasible Preemption Points"
by H. Ramaprasad and
F. Mueller
in Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Dec 2006, pages 212-222.
"Scalable Compression and Replay of Communication Traces in Massively Parallel Environments"
by M. Noeth and F. Mueller and M. Schulz and B. de
Supinski in P=ac2 Conference, IBM T.J. Watson, Oct 2006.
"Scalable, Fault-Tolerant Membership for MPI Tasks on HPC Systems" by
J. Varma, C. Wang, F. Mueller, C. Engelmann and S. Scott
in International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Jun 2006, pages 219-228.
"Bounding Preemption Delay within Data Cache Reference Patterns for Real-Time Tasks" by
H. Ramaprasad and F. Mueller
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Apr
2006, pages 71-80.
"Hardware Profile-guided Automatic Page Placement for ccNUMA Systems" by
J. Marathe and F. Mueller
in ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel
Programming (PPoPP), Mar 2006, pages 90-99.
Exploiting Parametric Timing Analysis for Real-Time Schedulers
and Dynamic Voltage Scaling by S. Mohan and
F. Mueller and W. Hawkins and M. Root and D. Whalley and C. Healy
in Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Dec 2005, pages 233-242.
"Cross-Platform Performance Prediction of Parallel Applications
Using Partial Execution" by
Tao Yang, Xiaosong Ma and Frank Mueller
in Supercomputing (SC), Nov 2005, DOI 10.1109/SC.2005.20.
"Hybrid Leakage and Voltage Reduction under EDF Scheduling"
by Y. Zhu and F. Mueller in P=ac2 Conference, IBM T.J. Watson, Sep 2005.
"A Hybrid Hardware/Software Approach to Efficiently Determine Cache Coherence Bottlenecks" by
J. Marathe, F. Mueller and B. de Supinski
in International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Jun 2005, pages 21-30.
"Feedback EDF Scheduling Exploiting
Hardware-Assisted Asynchronous Dynamic Voltage Scaling" by
Y. Zhu and F. Mueller
in ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for
Embedded Systems (LCTES), Jun 2005, pages 203-212.
"Timing Analysis for Sensor Network Nodes of the Atmega Processor Family"
by S. Mohan and F. Mueller and D. Whalley and C. Healy
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), March
2005, pages 405-414.
"Bounding Worst-Case Data Cache Behavior by Analytically Deriving
Cache Reference Patterns" by
H. Ramaprasad and F. Mueller
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), March
2005, pages 148-157.
"Improving WCET by Optimizing Worst-Case Paths" by
W. Zhao and W. Kreahling and D. Whalley and C. Healy
and F. Mueller
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), March
2005, pages 138-147.
"Enforcing Safety of
Real-Time Schedules on Contemporary Processors using a Virtual
Simple Architecture (VISA)" by A. Anantaraman,
K. Seth, E. Rotenberg and F. Mueller in IEEE Real-Time Systems
Symposium (RTSS), Dec 2004, pages 114-125.
"EDF-DVS Scheduling on the IBM Embedded PowerPC 405LP" by
A. Anantaraman, A. Mahmoud,
R. Venkatesan, Y. Zhu and F. Mueller
in P=ac2 Conference, IBM T.J. Watson, Oct 2004.
"WCET Code
Positioning" by W. Zhao, D. Whalley, C. Healy
and F. Mueller in IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Dec 2004,
pages 81-91.
"Detailed Cache Coherence Characterization for OpenMP Benchmarks" by
J. Marathe, A. Nagarajan and F. Mueller
in International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS), Jun 2004, pages 287-297.
"Feedback EDF Scheduling Exploiting Dynamic Voltage Scaling" by
Y. Zhu and F. Mueller
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), May
2004, pages 84-93.
"Tuning the WCET of Embedded Applications" by
W. Zhao and P. Kulkarni and D. Whalley and C. Healy
and F. Mueller and G.-R. Uh
in Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), May
2004, pages 472-481.
"Compositional Static Instruction Cache Simulation" by
K. Patil and K. Seth and F. Mueller
in ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for
Embedded Systems (LCTES), Jun 2004, pages 136-145.
"FAST: Frequency-Aware
Static Timing Analysis" by K. Seth,
A. Anantaraman, F. Mueller, E. Rotenberg in IEEE Real-Time Systems
Symposium (RTSS), Dec 2003, pages 40-51, Best Student Paper Award.
"Identifying and Exploiting
Spatial Regularity in Data Memory References"
by Tushar Mohan and Bronis R. de
Supinski and Sally A. McKee and Frank Mueller and Andy Yoo and Martin
Schulz in Supercomputing (SC), Nov 2003, DOI 10.1109/SC.2003.10037, Best Paper Candidate.
"Encryption Overhead for Sensor Networks and Embedded Systems: Modeling and Analysis"
by Ramnath Venugopalan, Prasanth Ganesan, Pushkin Peddabachagari,
Alexander Dean, Frank Mueller and Mihail Sichitiu in
Conference on Compiler, Architecture and Synthesis on Embedded
Systems (CASES), Oct/Nov 2003, pages 188-197.
"Virtual Simple
Architecture (VISA): Exceeding the Complexity Limit in Safe Real-Time
Systems" by A. Anantaraman, K. Seth,
K. Patil, E. Rotenberg and F. Mueller in International Symposium
on Computer Architecture (ISCA), Jun 2003, pages 350-361.
"Scalable Distributed
Concurrency Services for Hierarchical Locking" by N. Desai and F. Mueller in International
Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), May 2003, pages 530-537.
"A Log(n) Multi-Mode
Locking Protocol for Distributed Systems" by N. Desai and F. Mueller in International Parallel
and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Apr 2003, DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2003.1213077.
"METRIC: Tracking Down Inefficiencies in the Memory Hierarchy via Binary Rewriting" by
J. Marathe, F. Mueller, T. Mohan, B. R. de Supinski,
S. A. McKee and A. Yoo in International
Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), Mar 2003, pages 289-300.
"Energy-Conserving Feedback EDF Scheduling for Embedded Systems with Real-Time Constraints" by
A. Dudani and F. Mueller and Y. Zhu
in ACM SIGPLAN Joint Conference Languages, Compilers, and Tools for
Embedded Systems (LCTES) and Software and Compilers for
Embedded Systems (SCOPES), Jun 2002, pages 213-222.
"Communication Characteristics of Large-Scale Scientific Applications for Contemporary Cluster Architectures" by
J. Vetter and F. Mueller
in International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), Apr
2002, DOI 10.1109/IPDPS.2002.1015504, Best Paper Award.
"Handling Irreducible Loops: Optimized Node Splitting vs. DJ-Graphs" by S. Unger and F. Mueller
in Euro-Par 2001 Parallel Processing (Int. Euro-Par Conference),
Springer LNCS 2150, eds. R. Sakellariou et al., Aug 2001, pages 207-220
"Combining Multi-Threading with Asynchronous Communication:
A Case Study with DSM-Threads using Myrinet via BIP and Madeleine" by T. Röblitz and F. Mueller
in Myrinet User Group Conference, published by INRIA,
Sep 2000, pages 131-138
"Token-based Read/Write-Locks for Distributed Mutual Exclusion" by C. Wagner and F. Mueller
in Euro-Par 2000 Parallel Processing (Int. Euro-Par Conference),
Springer LNCS 1900, eds. A. Bode et al., Aug 2000, pages 1185-1195
"A Thread-Aware Debugger with an Open Interface" by D. Schulz and F. Mueller
in International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA),
published as ACM Software Engineering Notes, Vol. 25, No. 5,
Sep 2000, pages 201-211
"Priority Inheritance and Ceilings for Distributed Mutual Exclusion"
by F. Mueller
in IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Dec 1999, pages 340-349
"The Rendezvous is
Dead -- Long Live the Protected Object" by
D. Macos and F. Mueller in ACM SIGAda'98, Nov 1998, pages 287-293,38
"A Comparison of Static Analysis and Evolutionary
Testing for the Verification of Timing Constraints" by
F. Mueller and J. Wegener
in Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Jun 1998, pages 179-188
"Prioritized Token-Based Mutual Exclusion for Distributed Systems" by
F. Mueller
in International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS), Mar 1998, pages 791-795
"On the Design and Implementation of DSM-Threads" by
F. Mueller
in Int. Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
Techniques and Applications (PDPTA), Jun 1997, pages 315-324
"Timing Analysis for Data Caches and Set-Associative Caches" by
R. White, F. Mueller, C. Healy, D. Whalley and M. Harmon
in Real-Time Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), Jun 1997, pages 192-202
"Supporting Ada 95 Passive Partitions in a Distributed Environment" by
F. Mueller
in Reliable Software Technologies -- Ada-Europe '97, Springer LNCS 1251,
eds. K. Hardy and J. Briggs, Jun 1997, pages 218-229
"MithOS -- A Real-Time Micro-Kernel Threads Operating System"
by F. Mueller, V. Rustagi and T. P. Baker
in IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Dec 1995, pages 49-53
"Avoiding Conditional Branches via Code Replication" by
F. Mueller and D. B. Whalley
in ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language
Design and Implementation (PLDI), Jun 1995, pages 56-66
"Fast Instruction Cache Analysis via Static Cache Simulation" by
F. Mueller and D. B. Whalley in Simulation
Symposium (SS), Apr 1995, pages 105-114
"Bounding Worst-Case Instruction Cache Performance" by
R. Arnold, F. Mueller, D. B. Whalley and M. Harmon
in IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), Dec 1994, pages 172-181
"Features of the Gnu Ada Runtime Library" by E. W. Giering, F.
Mueller and T. P. Baker in TRI-Ada, Nov 1994, pages 93-103
"Efficient On-the-fly Analysis of Program Behavior and Static Cache
Simulation" by
F. Mueller and D. B. Whalley
in Static Analysis Symposium (SAS), B. Le Charlier, editor,
volume 864 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,
Sep 1994, pages 101-115
"Implementing Ada 9X features using POSIX Threads: Design Issues"
by E.W. Giering, Frank Mueller and T.P. Baker in TRI-Ada, Sep
1993, pages 214-228
"A Library Implementation of POSIX Threads under UNIX" by
Frank Mueller in
Proceedings of the USENIX Conference (USENIX ATC), Jan 1993, pages 29-41
"Avoiding Unconditional Jumps by Code Replication" by
F. Mueller and D. B. Whalley
in ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language
Design and Implementation (PLDI), Jun 1992, pages 322-330
Currency Arbitrage Optimization using Quantum Annealing, QAOA and Constraint Mapping
Sangram Deshpande, Elin Ranjan Das and Frank Mueller in
Quantum Computing Applications in Economics and Finance Conference (QCAEFC), Apr 2025, Preprint arXiv:2502.15742
Mapping Constraint Problems onto Quantum Gate and Annealing Devices
by Ellis Wilson, Frank Mueller, Scott Pakin
in International Workshop on Quantum Computing Software, Nov 2021.
"Machine Learning Enhanced Real-Time Intrusion Detection Using Timing Information"
by Hang Xu, Frank Mueller, Mithun Acharya, Alok Kucheria in
International Workshop on Trustworthy & Real-time Edge Computing for
Cyber-Physical Systems, Dec 2018.
"Hummingbird: Efficient Performance Prediction for Executing Genomics Applications in the Cloud"
by Utsab Ray, Vandhana Krishnany, Amir Bahmani,
Cuiping Pan, Keith Bettinger, Philip Tsao, Frank Mueller, Michael Snyder in
Computational Approaches for Cancer Workshop, Nov 2018.
"Architecting HBM as a
High Bandwidth, High Capacity, Self-Managed Last-Level Cache"
by Tyler Stocksdale, Mu-Tien Chang, Hongzhong
Zheng, Frank Mueller in Petascale Data Storage Workshop, Nov 2017.
"A Power-aware Cost Model
for HPC Procurement"
by Neha Gholkar, Frank Mueller, Workshop on
High-Performance, Power-Aware Computing (HPPAC), May 2016.
"SparkScore: Leveraging
Apache Spark for Distributed Genomic Inference"
by Amir Bahmani, Alex B. Sibley, Mahmoud Parsian,
Kouros Owzar, Frank Mueller, Workshop on High Performance
Computational Biology (HiCOMB16), May 2016.
"HPC I/O Trace Extrapolation"
by Xiaoqing Luo, Frank Mueller,
Philip Carns, John Jenkins, Robert Latham, Robert Ross, Shane Snyder
, Workshop on Extreme-Scale Programming Tools (ESPT15), Nov 2015.
"Exploiting Data Representation for Fault Tolerance"
by James Elliott, Mark Hoemmen, and Frank
Mueller, Workshop on Latest Advances in Scalable Algorithms for
Large-Scale Systems (ScalA), Nov 2014.
"Tools for Simulation and Benchmark Generation at Exascale"
by Mahesh Lagadapati, Frank Mueller, and Christian Engelmann, Parallel Tools Workshop, Sep 2013.
"Sustained Resilience via Live Process Cloning"
by Arash Rezaei, Frank Mueller, Workshop on
Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems, May 2013.
"Evaluating Operating System
Vulnerability to Memory Errors"
by Kurt B. Ferreira, Kevin Pedretti, Patrick G. Bridges, Ron Brightwell, David Fiala, Frank Mueller, Workshop on
Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers, Jun 2012, DOI 10.1145/2318916.2318930.
"Auto-Generation of Communication Benchmark Traces"
by V. Deshpande, X. Wu, F. Mueller, Workshop on
Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance
Computing Systems, Nov 2011, DOI 10.1145/2088457.2088468.
"A Tunable, Software-based
DRAM Error Detection and Correction Library for HPC"
by D. Fiala, K. Ferreira, F. Mueller,
C. Engelmann, Workshop on Resiliency in High Performance Computing
(Resilience) in Clusters, Clouds, and Grids, Sep 2011, DIO 10.1007/978-3-642-29740-3_29.
"Memory Trace Compression and Replay for SPMD Systems using Extended PRSDs"
by S. Ramanna, F. Mueller, T. Gamblin, Workshop on
Performance Modeling, Benchmarking and Simulation of High Performance
Computing Systems, Nov 2010.
"Scalable I/O Tracing and Analysis" by Karthik Vijayakumar, Frank Mueller, Xiaosong Ma, Philip C. Roth in Petascale Data Storage Workshop, Nov 2009.
"A Programming Model for Massive Data Parallelism with Data Dependencies" by Y. Zhang,
F. Mueller, X. Cui and T. Potok in Workshop on Programming Models
for Emerging Architectures, Sep 2009.
"Cyber Security for Power Grids"
by F. Mueller, S. Bhattacharya and C. Zimmer
in Workshop on Workshop on Cyber-physical Systems Security, Jul 2009.
"Back-Migration for MPI Jobs in HPC Environments"
by C. Wang, F. Mueller, C. Engelmann and S. Scott
in Forum to Address Scalable Technology for Runtime and Operating Systems (FastOS), Jun 2009.
"Cyber-Physical Aspects of Energy Systems for the 21st Century:
A Perspective from the NSF ERC FREEDM Project"
by F. Mueller
in Workshop on New Research Directions for Future Cyber-Physical
Energy Systems, Jun 2009.
"GPU-Accelerated Text Mining" by Y. Zhang,
F. Mueller, X. Cui and T. Potok in Workshop on Exploiting
Parallelism using GPUs and other Hardware-Assisted Methods, Mar 2009.
"PFetch: Software Prefetching Exploiting Temporal Predictability of
Memory Access Streams" by J. Marathe and
F. Mueller in Workshop on MEmory performance: DEaling with
Applications, systems and architecture, Oct 2008, pages 1-8.
"An Open Infrastructure for Scalable, Reconfigurable Analysis"
by B. de Supinski and Rob Fowler and Todd Gamblin
and F. Mueller and P. Ratn and M. Schulz
in International Workshop on
Scalable Tools for High-End Computing, Jun 2008, pages 39-50.
"Toward Thread-Level Speculation for Coarse-Grained Parallelism of
Regular Access Patterns" by
Ravi Ramaseshan, Frank Mueller
in Workshop on Programmability Issues for Multi-Core Computers, Jan 2008.
"Soft Error Protection via Fault-Resilient Data Representations" by
Muhammad M. Latif, Ravi Ramaseshan, Frank Mueller
in Workshop on Silicon Errors in Logic - System Effects, Apr 2007.
"Challenges for Cyber-Physical Systems: Security, Timing Analysis and Soft Error Protection" by
Frank Mueller
in National Workshop on High Confidence Software Platforms for Cyber-Physical Systems: Research Needs and Roadmap (HCSP-CPS), Nov 2006.
"Timing Analysis: In Search of Multiple Paradigms" by
F. Mueller
in Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, Apr 2004.
"Analyzing and Modeling Encryption Overhead for Sensor Network Nodes"
by Prasanth Ganesan, Ramnath Venugopalan, Pushkin Peddabachagari,
Alexander Dean, Frank Mueller and Mihail Sichitiu in
Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications (WSNA '03) with
MobiCom'03, Sep 2003, pages.
"Preemption Handling
and Scalability of Feedback DVS-EDF" by Y. Zhu
and F. Mueller in Workshop on Compilers and Operating Systems for
Low Power, Sep 2002.
"Detecting Memory
Performance Bottlenecks via Binary Rewriting" by J. Marathe and F. Mueller in Workshop on Binary
Translation, Sep 2002.
"Partial Data Traces: Efficient Generation and Representation" by F. Mueller and T. Mohan and B. de Supinski
and S. McKee and A. Yoo in Workshop on Binary Translation,
published in IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Architecture
Newsletter, Oct 2001.
"Parametric Timing Analysis"
by E. Vivancos, C. Healy, F. Mueller and D. Whalley
in ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Languages, Compilers and Tools for Embedded Systems,
ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Aug 2001, pages 88-93
"Fault Tolerance for Token-based Synchronization Protocols"
by F. Mueller
in International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium --
Workshop on Fault-Tolerant Parallel and Distributed Systems,
IEEE Press, April 2001
"Decentralized Synchronization for Multi-Threaded DSMs" by F. Mueller
in Workshop on Software Distributed Shared Memory,
May 2000
"CLIX -- A Hybrid Programming Environment for Distributed Objects and
Distributed Shared Memory" by F. Mueller
and Jörg Nolte and Alexander Schlaefer in Parallel and Distributed
Processing -- Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments,
Springer LNCS 1800, eds. J. Rolim et al., May 2000, pages 285-292
"Adaptive DSM-Runtime Behavior via Speculative Data Distribution"
by F. Mueller in Parallel and Distributed
Processing -- Workshop on Run-Time Systems for Parallel Programming,
Springer LNCS 1586, eds. J. Rolim et al., Apr 1999, pages 553-567 (slides)
"Timing Predictions for Multi-Level Caches" by
F. Mueller
in ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Language, Compiler, and
Tool Support for Real-Time Systems, Jun 1997, pages 29-36
"Generalizing Timing Predictions to Set-Associative Caches" by
F. Mueller
in EuroMicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, Jun 1997, pages 64-71
"Distributed Shared-Memory Threads: DSM-Threads" by
F. Mueller
in Workshop on Run-Time Systems for Parallel Programming, Apr 1997, pages 31-40
"Prioritized Token-Based Mutual Exclusion for Distributed Systems" by
F. Mueller
in Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, Apr 1997,
pages 72-80
"Compiler Support for Software-Based Cache Partitioning" by
F. Mueller
in ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Language, Compiler, and Tool
Support for Real-Time Systems, Jun 1995, pages 137-145
"Real-Time Debugging by Minimal Hardware Simulation" by F.
Mueller and D. B. Whalley in PEARL Workshop über Realzeitsysteme,
Dec 1994, pages 68-76
"On Debugging Real-Time Applictions" by
F. Mueller and D. B. Whalley
in ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Language, Compiler, and Tool
Support for Real-Time Systems, Jun 1994
"Predicting Instruction Cache Behavior" by
F. Mueller, D. B. Whalley and M. Harmon
in ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Language, Compiler,
and Tool Support for Real-Time Systems, Jun 1994
"Experience with a Prototype of the POSIX ``Minimal Realtime
System Profile''" by
T. P. Baker, F. Mueller and Viresh Rustagi in
IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software, May 1994,
pages 12-16
"Implementing POSIX Threads under UNIX: Description of Work in
Progress" by
Frank Mueller in
Proceedings of the Second Software Engineering Research Forum,
Nov 1992, pages 253-261
- "Keeping Track of Time without a Clock" by F. Mueller in IEEE
Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software, May 1992, pages
- "Heuristic Link Networks" by Kingsley Kerce and Frank Mueller in
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Neural Networks:
Academic/Industrial/NASA/Defense (WNN-AIND), pages 333-338, Feb 1990.
Society for Computer Simulation International, San Diego, CA.
Other Publications
Resilience in Exascale Computing
by H. Haertig, S. Matsuoka,
F. Mueller, A. Reinefeld (eds). in
Dagstuhl Reports, Vol 4, No 9, 2015, pages 124-139.
"Resilience in Numerical Methods: A Position on
Fault Models and Methodologies" by J. Elliott, M. Hoemmen, F. Mueller", invited talk at SIAM Conference on
Computational Science and Engineering, Feb 2014.
"Tolerating Silent Data Corruption in Opaque Preconditioners" by J. Elliott, M. Hoemmen, F. Mueller", Computing Research Repository, Feb 2014.
"Exploiting Data Representation for Fault
Tolerance" by J. Elliott, M. Hoemmen,
F. Mueller", Computing Research Repository, Feb 2013.
"Quantifying the Impact of Single Bit Flips on Floating Point
Arithmetic"by J. Elliott, F. Mueller,
M. Stoyanov, C. Webster", invited talk at SIAM Conference on
Computational Science and Engineering, Feb 2013,
see TR 2013-2,
Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State University, Mar 2013.
"Quantifying the Impact of Single Bit Flips on Floating Point
Arithmetic"by J. Elliott, F. Mueller,
M. Stoyanov, C. Webster", invited talk at Smoky Mountains
Computational Sciences and Engineering Conference, Sep 2012,
see TR 2013-2,
Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State University, Mar 2013.
"Auto-Generation of Communication Benchmark Traces"
by V. Deshpande, X. Wu, F. Mueller, ACM SIGMETRICS
Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2012, pages 15-16.
"Memory Trace Compression and Replay for SPMD Systems using Extended PRSDs"
by S. Ramanna, F. Mueller, T. Gamblin, ACM SIGMETRICS
Performance Evaluation Review, Vol. 38, No. 4, Mar 2011, pages 30-36.
"The FREEDM Architecture of Fault Tolerant Network Routing through
Software Overlays" by
Christopher Zimmer, Frank Mueller in FREEDM Conference, May 2009, Best Presentation Award.
"FREEDM Software Controller Architecture for a Solid State
Transformer" by
Balasubramanya Bhat, Frank Mueller in FREEDM Conference, May 2009.
"MOLAR: adaptive runtime support for high-end computing operating
and runtime systems" by
Christian Engelmann, Stephen L. Scott, David E. Bernholdt, Narasimha
R. Gottumukkala, Chokchai Leangsuksun, Jyothish Varma, Chao Wang,
Frank Mueller, Aniruddha G. Shet, P. Sadayappan in ACM SIGOPS
Operating Systems Review, Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2006, pages 63-72.
Technical Reports
Coprime Bivariate Bicycle Codes and their Properties by
Ming Wang and Frank Mueller in
ArXiv 2408.10001, Aug/Nov 2024.
DiaQ: Efficient State-Vector Quantum Simulation by
Srikar Chundury, Jiajia Li, In-Saeng Suh and
Frank Mueller in ArXiv 2405.01250, May 2024.
Empirical Evaluation of Circuit Approximations on Noisy QUantum Devices by
Ellis Wilson, Frank Mueller, Lindsay Bassman
and Costin Iancu in
ArXiv 2107.06701, July 2021.
Just-in-time Quantum Circuit Transpilation Reduces Noise by
Ellis Wilson, Sudhakar Singh and Frank Mueller in
ArXiv, May 2020.
- The Colored Refresh Server for DRAM
Xing Pan, Frank Mueller in
in TR 2019-1, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Mar 2019.
"Power Tuning for HPC Jobs under Manufacturing Variations" by Neha Gholkar, Frank Mueller, Barry Rountree
in TR 2016-2, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Feb 2016.
"Model Driven Analysis of Faulty IEEE-754 Scalars" by James Elliott, Mark Hoemmen, Frank Mueller
in TR 2015-9, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Nov 2015.
"Semi-Partitioned Scheduling for Resource-Sharing Hard-Real-Time Tasks" by M. Shekhar, H. Ramaprasad,
F. Mueller
in TR 2014-8, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Jul 2014.
"DINO: Divergent Node Cloning for Sustained Redundancy in HPC" by A. Rezaei, F. Mueller
in TR 2014-7, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Jun 2014.
"Quantifying the Impact of Single Bit Flips on Floating Point Arithmetic" by J. Elliott, F. Mueller, M. Stoyanov, C. Webster"
in TR 2013-2, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Mar 2013.
"Detection and Correction of Silent Data Corruption for Large-Scale
High-Performance Computing" by D. Fiala, F. Mueller, C. Engelmann,
K. Ferreira, R. Brightwell, R. Riesen"
in TR 2012-5, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, May 2012.
"Failure Detection within MPI Jobs: Periodic Outperforms Sporadic"
by K. Kharbas, D. Kim, K. KC, T. Hoefler and
F. Mueller"
in TR 2011-13, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Jun 2011.
"A Fault Observant Real-Time Embedded Design for Network-on-Chip
Control Systems"
by C. Zimmer and F. Mueller"
in TR 2011-13, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Jun 2011.
"Static Task Partitioning for Locked Caches in Multi-Core Real-Time Systems"
by A. Sarkar, F. Mueller, and H. Ramaprasad"
in TR 2011-11, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Mar 2011.
"Probabilistic Communication and I/O Tracing with Deterministic Replay at Scale"
by X. Wu, K.Vijayakumar, F. Mueller, X. Ma and P. C. Roth"
in TR 2011-6, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Mar 2011.
"Proactive Process-Level Live Migration and Back Migration in HPC Environments"
by C. Wang, F. Mueller, C. Engelmann and S. Scott
in TR 2009-14, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Jun 2009.
"Hybrid Full/Incremental Checkpoint/Restart for MPI Jobs in HPC Environments"
by C. Wang, F. Mueller, C. Engelmann and S. Scott
in TR 2009-14, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Jun 2009.
"Feedback-Directed Page Placement for ccNUMA via Hardware-generated
Memory Traces" by
J. Marathe, V. Thakkar, and F. Mueller
in TR 2009-9, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Mar 2009.
"Preserving Timing Anomalies in Pipelines of High-End Processors" by
Sibin Mohan and Frank Mueller
in TR 2007-13, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, May 2008
"Soft Error Protection via Fault-Resilient Data Representations" by
Muhammad M. Latif, Ravi Ramaseshan, Frank Mueller
in TR 2007-10, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Oct 2007
"Bounding Worst-Case Response Time for Tasks With Non-Preemptive Regions" by
Harini Ramaprasad and Frank Mueller
in TR 2007-22, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2007
"The Worst-Case Execution
Time Problem - Overview of Methods and Survey of Tools"
by R. Wilhelm, J. Engblohm, A. Ermedahl,
N. Holsti, S. Thesing, D. Whalley, G. Bernat, C. Ferdinand,
R. Heckmann, T. Mitra, F. Mueller, I. Puaut, P. Puschner,
J. Staschulat, P. Stenström
in MRTC report ISSN 1404-3041 ISRN MDH-MRTC-209/2007-1-SE, Mälardalen
Real-Time Research Centre, Mälardalen University, Mar 2007.
"Proactive Fault Tolerance for HPC with Xen Virtualization"
A. B. Nagarajan and F. Mueller
in TR 2007-1, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Jan 2007.
"Asymmetric Multiprocessing for Simultaneous Multithreading Processors" by
Daniel M. Smith, Vincent W. Freeh, Frank Mueller
in TR 2006-13, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Jun 2006.
"Tightening the Bounds on Feasible Preemption Points" by
Harini Ramaprasad and Frank Mueller
in TR 2005-48, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Dec 2005 (rev 1, May 2006).
"Predicting Parallel Applications' Performance Across Platforms Using Partial Execution" by
Tao Yang, Xiaosong Ma and Frank Mueller
in TR 2005-16, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Mar 2005.
"Feedback EDF Scheduling Exploiting Hardware-Assisted Asynchronous Dynamic Voltage Scaling" by
Yifan Zhu and Frank Mueller
in TR 2004-35, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Dec 2004.
"Exploiting VISA for Higher Concurrency in Safe Real-Time Systems" by
Aravindh Anantaraman, Kiran Seth, Eric
Rotenberg and Frank Mueller
in TR 2004-15, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, May 2004.
"Detailed Cache Coherence Characterization for OpenMP Benchmarks" by
A. Nagarajan, J. Marathe, F. Mueller
in TR 2004-9, Dept. of Computer Science, North Carolina State
University, Mar 2004.
"Identifying and Exploiting
Spatial Regularity in Data Memory References"
by Tushar Mohan and Bronis R. de
Supinski and Sally A. McKee and Frank Mueller and Andy Yoo and Martin
Schulz in TR UCRL-JC-154597 by
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Jul 2003.
"Feedback Dynamic
Voltage Scaling DVS-EDF Scheduling: Correctness and PID-Feedback"
by Yifan Zhu and Frank Mueller in
CS Dept., North Carolina State University, TR-2003-13, Jun 2003.
"Memory System
Technologies for Future High-End Computing Systems" by S. McKee, B. de Supinski, F. Mueller and G. Tyson
in Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, TR UCRL-ID-153361, May
"Simulation of Embedded Micro-Kernels over Pthreads" by
T. Röblitz, Oliver Bühn and F. Mueller
in TR 01-148 Institut f. Informatik, Humboldt-University, Jan 2001
"CLIX -- A Hybrid Programming Environment for Distributed Objects and
Distributed Shared Memory" by
F. Mueller, J. Nolte and A. Schlaefer
in TR 01-147 Institut f. Informatik, Humboldt-University, Jan 2001
"Handling Irreducible Loops: Optimized Node Splitting vs. DJ-Graphs" by
S. Unger and F. Mueller
in TR 01-146 Institut f. Informatik, Humboldt-University, Jan 2001
"Real-Time Schedulability Analysis for Ada" by
F. Mueller
in TR 01-145 Institut f. Informatik, Humboldt-University, Jan 2001
"Prioritized Token-Based Mutual Exclusion for Distributed Systems" by
F. Mueller
in TR 98-97 Institut f. Informatik, Humboldt-University, Jan 1998
(revision published
in International Parallel Processing Symposium, Mar 1998)
"Generalizing Timing Predictions to Set-Associative Caches" by
F. Mueller
in TR 96-66 Institut f. Informatik, Humboldt-University, Jul 1996
(revision published
in EuroMicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, Jun 1997)
"MythOS -- A Micro-Kernel Threads Operating System" by F. Mueller, V.
Rustagi and T. P. Baker in TR 94-091 Dept. of CS, Florida State
University, Sep 1994 (revision published
in Real-Time Systems Symposium 1995)
"Fast Instruction Cache Analysis via Static Cache Simulation" by
F. Mueller and D. B. Whalley in
TR 94-042 Dept. of CS, Florida State University, Apr 1994
(revision published in Simulation Symposium 1995)
"Predicting Instruction Cache Behavior" by F. Mueller, D. B. Whalley
and M. Harmon in TR 93-091 Dept. of CS, Florida State University, Sep
(revision published in ACM SIGPLAN Workshop
on Language, Compiler, and Tool Support for Real-Time Systems 1994)
"Register Allocation by Graph Coloring: A Review" by Frank
Mueller in TR ??? Dept. of CS, Florida State University, Apr 1992, 1st
revision Mar 1993, 2nd revision Aug 1994
Talks / Posters / Work in Progress
Coprime Bivariate Bicycle Codes and their Properties by
Ming Wang and Frank Mueller, Refereed poster in
Quantum Information Processing Conference (QIP), 2025. See also
ArXiv 2408.10001, Aug/Nov 2024.
QFw: A Quantum Framework for Large-Scale HPC Ecosystems by
Srikar Chundury, Amir Shehata, Thomas Naughton, Seongmin Kim, Frank
Mueller, and In-Saeng Suh, Refereed poster in Supercomputing (SC),
Nov 2024.
A Zero-Copy Approach with Metadata-Driven File Management by
Persistent Memory by Guangxing Hu, Awais Khan and Frank
Mueller, Refereed poster in Supercomputing (SC),
Nov 2024.
Rate Adjustable Bivariate Bicycle Codes for Quantum Error Correction by
Ming Wang and Frank Mueller, Refereed poster in
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Sep 2024.
QFw: Quantum Framework with NWQ-Sim and TN-QVM by
Srikar Chundury, Amir Shehata, Seongmin Kim, Zoha Laraib, Frank Mueller, and In-Saeng Suh, Refereed poster in Quantum Computing User Forum (QCUF),
Aug 2024 ( Best Poster Award).
A PEPS plugin for TNQVM by
Srikar Chundury, J. Lietz, E. A. C. Perez,
A. Shehata, In-Saeng Suh and Frank Mueller, Refereed poster in
IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Sep 2023.
Building a Constraint Based Domain Specific Language for Quantum Computers: NchooseK by
Ellis Wilson, Frank Mueller and Scott Pakin, Refereed poster in
Quantum Simulation Conference (QSim), Aug 2023.
Synthesis of Approximate Parametric Circuits for Variational Quantum Algorithms by
Blake Burgstahler, Frank Mueller and
Scott Pakin, Refereed poster in
Quantum Simulation Conference (QSim), Aug 2023; later version
in IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), Sep 2023.
A Novel Approach to Sparsity in Quantum Simulations by
Srikar Chundury, In-Saeng Suh and Frank
Mueller, Refereed poster in
Quantum Simulation Conference (QSim), Aug 2023.
Modular Embedding of Problems onto Quantum Annealers by
Ellis Wilson, Frank Mueller and Scott Pakin, Refereed poster in
Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC), Jun 2023.
- A Workflow Hierarchy-Aware Fault Tolerance System
by Subhendu Behera,
Dong H. Ahn, Stephen Herbein, Frank Mueller and Barry L. Rountree,
Refereed Poster at Supercomputing (SC'20)
Nov 2020.
- Using Non-Volatile
Memory in High Performance Computing to Shrink the Size of
by Onkar Patil, Latchesar Ionkov, Jason Lee, Frank
Mueller, Michael Lang , Refereed ACM SRC Poster at Supercomputing (SC'19)
Nov 2019.
- An Adaptive
Checkpoint Model For Large-Scale HPC Systems
by Subhendu Behera,
Lipeng Wan, Frank Mueller, Matthew Wolf, Scott Klasky,
Refereed Poster at Supercomputing (SC'19)
Nov 2019.
"Work-In-Progress: Making Machine Learning Real-Time Predictable"
by Hang Xu, Frank Mueller in
Brief Presentations of IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Dec 2018.
- Holistic Root
Cause Analysis of Node Failures in Production HPC. Anwesha Das,
advised by Frank Mueller. Refereed ACM SRC Poster at Supercomputing (SC'18)
Nov 2018.
- Using Darshan and
CODES to Evaluate Application I/O Performance. Harsh Khetawat,
Christopher Zimmer, Frank Mueller, Sudharshan Vazhkudai, Scott Atchley. Refereed Poster at Supercomputing (SC'18)
Nov 2018.
- Aarohi:
Automaton-based Low-cost Online Failure Prediction
. Anwesha
Das, Frank Mueller. Refereed ACM SRC Poster at ASPLOS'18, Mar 2018.
- Exploring Use-cases for Non-Volatile
Memories in support of HPC Resilience. Onkar Patil, Saurabh
Hukerikar, Frank Mueller, Christian Engelmann. Refereed
Work-in-Progress at Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data
Storage & Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (PDSW-DISCS'17),
Nov 2017.
- Evaluating Performance of Burst
Buffer Models for Real-World Application Workloads in HPC
Systems. Harsh Khetawat, Frank Mueller, Christopher Zimmer. Refereed
Work-in-Progress at Joint International Workshop on Parallel Data
Storage & Data Intensive Scalable Computing Systems (PDSW-DISCS'17),
Nov 2017.
- Desh: Deep Learning for HPC System Health Resilience. Anwesha
Das, Abhinav Vishnu, Charles Siegel, Frank Mueller. Refereed Poster at Supercomputing (SC'17)
Nov 2017.
- Exploring
Use-cases for Non-Volatile Memories in support of HPC
Resilience. Onkar Patil, Saurabh Hukerikar, Frank Mueller,
Christian Engelmann. Refereed Poster at ACM SRC Supercomputing (SC'17),
Nov 2017.
- Pin-pointing Node Failures in HPC Systems. Anwesha Das, Frank Mueller, Paul Hargrove, Eric Roman. Refereed Poster at Supercomputing (SC'16)
Nov 2016.
OpenACC-based GPU
Acceleration of a p-multigrid Discontinuous Galerkin Method for
Compressible Flows on 3D Unstructured Grids
by J. Lou,
Y. Xia, L. Luo, J. R. Edwards, F. Mueller in AIAA SciTech, Jan 2015.
"Skeptical Programming and Selective Reliability" by
James Elliott, Mark Hoemmen, Frank Mueller, refereed poster at Supercomputing, Nov 2014.
"Scalable Performance Analysis of ExaScale MPI Programs
through Signature-Based Clustering Algorithms" by
Amir Bahmani, Frank Mueller, refereed poster at Supercomputing, Nov 2013.
Highly Efficient and Predictable Group Communication over Multi-core NoCs
by K. Yagna, F. Mueller
, refereed work-in-progress RTAS, Apr 2013.
"A Tunable, Software-based DRAM Error Detection and Correction Library for HPC" by
David Fiala, Kurt Ferreira, Frank Mueller, Christian Engelmann, refereed poster at Supercomputing, Nov 2011.
"Detection and Correction of Silent Data Corruption for Large-Scale High-Performance" by
David Fiala, Frank Mueller, Christian Engelmann, Rolf Riesen, Kurt
Ferreira, refereed poster at Supercomputing, Nov 2011.
"GStream: A General-Purpose Data Streaming Framework on GPUs" by
Yongpeng Zhang, Frank Mueller in GPU Technology Conference, Sep 2010 (talk
and poster).
"MatCloud: Accelerating Matlab Services via a GPU Cloud" by
Yongpeng Zhang, Xing Wu, Frank Mueller in GPU Technology Conference, Sep 2010 (talk).
"Bounding Failure in Scalable Overlay Networks" by
Christopher Zimmer, Frank Mueller in FREEDM Conference, May 2010.
Policies for Migration of Real-Time Tasks in Embedded Multi-Core Systems
by K. Katre, H. Ramaprasad, A. Sarkar, F. Mueller
, refereed work-in-progress RTSS, Dec 2009.
"Time-Based Intrusion
Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems"
by C. Zimmer, Balasubramanya Bhat, F. Mueller,
S. Mohan
, refereed work-in-progress RTSS, Dec 2009.
Time-Based Intrusion Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems
by C. Zimmer, Balasubramanya Bhat, F. Mueller, S. Mohan
, refereed work-in-progress ECRTS, Jul 2009, pages 21-24.
A Tunable Holistic Resiliency Approach for High-Performance Computing
Systems by S. Scott, C. Engelmann, G. Vallee,
T. Naughton, A. Tikotekar, G. Ostrouchov,
C. Leangsuksun, N. Naksinehaboon, R. Nassar, M. Paun, F. Mueller,
C. Wang, A. Nagarajan, J. Varma , refereed poster at PPoPP, Feb 2009.
"An Open Framework for Scalable, Reconfigurable Performance
Analysis" by T. Gamblin, P. Ratn, B. de
Supinski, M. Schulz, F. Mueller, R. Fowler and D. Reed, refereed poster
at Supercomputing, Nov 2007.
"Generalizing Parametric
Timing Analysis" by J. Coffman, C. Healy,
F. Mueller, D. Whalley, refereed poster in the Proceedings of the ACM Conference on
Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems, June 2007, pages 152-154.
"Hardware Profile-guided Automatic Page Placement for ccNUMA Systems"
J. Marathe and F. Mueller
in Gelato ICE Itanium Conference & Expo,
Apr 2007. April 2007 Gelato (IP)2 Award, Innovative Project on Itanium Processors.
"CheckerMode: A Hybrid Scheme for Timing Analysis of
Modern Processor Pipelines Involving
Hardware/Software Interactions"
by S. Mohan and
F. Mueller in Work-in-Progress of
Real-Time Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, Apr 2007, pages 40-43.
"Scalable Compression and Replay of Communication Traces in Massively Parallel Environments"
by M. Noeth and F. Mueller and M. Schulz and B. de
Supinski, refereed poster at Supercomputing, Nov 2006.
"Real-Time Scheduling for a
Virtual Simple Architecture (VISA)" by K. Seth,
A. Anantaraman, F. Mueller, E. Rotenberg in Work-in-Progress of
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Dec 2003, pages 113-116.
Hierarchical Locking with Real-Time Priorities" by N. Desai and F. Mueller in Work-in-Progress of
IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Dec 2003, pages 129-132.
"A Brief Overview of
Scalable Distributed Concurrency Services for Hierarchical
Locking" by N. Desai and F. Mueller,
refereed poster in Joint ACM Java Grande / ISCOPE Conference, Nov
"Benchmarking SMP Memory Systems Performance"
by B. de Supinski, A. Yoo, F. Mueller and
S. McKee
in SCICOMP 4 (IBM SP Scientific Computing User
Group), Oct 2001.
Gnat/Gcc into a Timing Analysis Environment" by D. Macos and F. Mueller in Work-in-Progress of
EuroMicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, Jun 1998, pages 15-18
"Software Techniques for Improving the Accessibility and Performance of NISQ Era Quantum Computing"
by E. Wilson, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Apr 2024 (last known position: TBA)
"Managing Extreme Heterogeneity in Next Generation HPC Systems"
by H. Khetawat, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Mar 2022 (last known position: Nutanix, NC)
"Assessing the Performance of and Devising Optimization Strategies for Heterogeneous Memory under HPC Workloads"
by O. Patil, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Jul 2021 (last known position: IBM Almaden, CA)
"Compiler-based Auto-tuning and Synchronization Validation for HPC Applications"
by T. Wang, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Dec 2019 (last known position: research staff, Stanford Univ., CA)
"Predicting Location and Time of Anomalies in Large-Scale Computing Systems via LogMining"
by A. Das, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2019 (last known position: postdoc, Stanford U, CA)
"On the Management of Power Constraints for High Performance Systems"
by N. Gholkar, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2018 (last known position: Intel, CA)
"Providing DRAM Predictability for Real-Time Systems and Beyond"
by X. Pan, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, May 2018 (last known position: Baidu, China)
"End-to-end Predictability for Distributed Real-Time Systems"
by T. Qian, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, May 2017 (last known position: VMWare, CA)
"Scalable Communication Tracing via Clustering"
by A. Bahmani, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, May 2017 (last known position: research staff, Stanford Univ., CA)
"Fault Resilience for Next Generation HPC Systems"
by A. Rezaei, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Mar 2016 (last known position: Samsung, CA)
"Server-side Log Data
Analytics for I/O Workload Characterization and Coordination on Large
Shared Storage Systems" by Y. Liu,
Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State University, Mar 2016 (last known
position: Epic Systems Corporation, WI)
"Resilient Iterative Linear Solvers Running Through Errors"
by J. Elliott, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Oct 2015 (last known position: Sandia Nat'l Lab, NM)
"Transparent Resilience Across the Entire Software Stack for High-Performance Computing Applications"
by D. Fiala, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Jun 2015 (last known position: Google, CA)
"Bringing Efficiency and Predictability to Massive Multi-core NoC Architectures"
by C. Zimmer, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Dec 2012 (last known position: Oak Ridge Nat'l Lab, TN)
"Scalable Communication Tracing for Performance Analysis of Parallel Applications"
by X. Wu, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Dec 2012 (last known position: Amazon, WA)
"Exploiting Data-Parallelism in GPUs"
by Y. Zhang, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Sep 2012 (last known position: Stone Ridge Technologies, MD)
"Predictable Task
Migration Support and Static Task Partitioning for Scalable
Multicore Real-Time Systems"
by A. Sarkar, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, May 2012 (last known position: Intel, CA)
"Transparent Fault
Tolerance for Job Healing in HPC Environments"
by C. Wang, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Jun 2009 (last known position: post-doc at ORNL, TN)
Hardware/Software Interactions for Analyzing Embedded Systems"
by S. Mohan, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2008 (last known position: research faculty, UIUC, IL)
Bounding Data Cache Behavior for Real-Time Systems"
by H. Ramaprasad, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Jul 2008 (last known position: faculty at the Univ. of
Southern Illinois, IL)
"Trace Based Performance Characterization and Optimization"
by J. Marathe, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, May 2007 (last known position: Nvidia Compiler Group, CA)
"Dynamic Voltage
Scaling with Feedback EDF Scheduling for Real-Time Embedded Systems" by Y. Zhu, Ph.D. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2005 (last known position: Sony-Ericsson, NC)
"Efficient Analysis of Temporal Properties for Real-Time Systems" by
Frank Mueller,
Habilitation, Humboldt University Berlin, Sep 2000
"Static Cache Simulation and its Applications" by
F. Mueller,
Ph.D. Dissertation, Florida State University, Jul 1994
"DiaQ: A Novel Quantum-Tailored Numerical FormatDiaQ: A Novel Quantum-Tailored Numerical Format"
by Srikar Chundury, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, May 2024 (last known position: NCSU PhD)
"QisDAX: An Open Source
Bridge from Qiskit to rapped-Ion Quantum Devices"
by Kaustubh Badrike, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, May 2023 (last known position: Walmart, CA)
"Adaptive Multi-level
Checkpointing On Modern High Performance Computing Systems"
by Subhendu Behera, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, May 2020 (last known position: Ph.D. student, NCSU)
"Query and Storage
Optimization of Genetic Variant Data via Structural and Semantic Compression and Indexing"
by Kyle Ferriter, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, May 2020 (last known position: Broad Institute, Cambridge, MA)
"Timed Network Security In Real Time System"
by Swastik Mittal, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Apr 2020 (last known position: Ph.D. student, NCSU)
"Pragma-Based Compiler Extension for End-to-End Resiliency Against Soft Faults"
by Harsh Khetawat, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Nov 2017 (last known position: Ph.D. student, NCSU)
"Reducing Hadoop's long tail with Process Cloning"
by Sarthak Kukreti, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2017 (last known position: Google, CA)
A Compositional Approach toMulti-level Cache Analysis of Compressed Memory Traces"
by Saransh Gupta, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2015 (last known position: Intel, OR)
"Analysis of Memory
Performance and Execution Models for Large-Scale Manycores"
by Vishwanathan Chandru, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2015 (last known position: Intel, IL)
"Hybrid Cache, Bank, and Controller Aware Coloring for Multicore Real-Time Systems"
by Yasaswini Gownivaripalli, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, Jun 2015
(last known position: Intel, OR)
"ScalaIOExtrap: Elastic I/O Tracing and Extrapolation"
by Xiaoqing Luo, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, Jun 2015
(last known position: happy mother)
"Power Balancing Cloud-Based Workloads"
by Sandeep Kandula, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, Aug 2014
(last known position: Amazon, WA)
"Providing Task
Isolation via TLB Coloring"
by Shrinivas Panchamukhi, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, Jul 2014
(last known position: Intel, OR)
"Effcient and Lightweigth
Inter-process Collective Operations for Massive Multi-core Architectures"
by Onkar Patil, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, Jun 2014
(last known position: NetApp, NC)
"ScalaMemAnalysis: A Compositional Approach to Cache Analysis of Compressed Memory Traces"
by Nishanth Balasubramanian, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, Jun 2014
(last known position: Nvidia, CA)
"Distributed Job Allocation for Large-Scale Many-cores"
by Subramanian Ramachandran, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, May 2014
(last known position: Riverbed, CA)
"Affinity-Aware Checkpoint Restart"
by Ajay Saini, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, May 2014
(last known position: Intel, OR)
"Benchmark Generation and Simulation at Extreme Scale"
by Mahesh Lagadapati, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, May 2014
(last known position: Nvidia, CA)
"Collective Communication
for Multi-core NOC Interconnects" by Karthik
Yagna, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, May 2013
(last known position: Riverbed technologies, CA)
"Scalable Locks with Backoff Suspension for Manycore Systems" by Chadan Apsangi, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina
State University, May 2013 (last known position: Intel, OR)
Scalable Tracing with in-situ Data Analysis"
by Srinash Krishna Ananthakrishnan, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina
State University, May 2013 (last known position: Riverbed Technologies, CA)
"Automatic Generation
of Complete Communication Skeletons from Traces"
by Vivek Deshpande, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina
State University, Aug 2011 (last known position: Intel, OR)
"Failure Detection and
Partial Redundancy in HPC" by Kirshor Kharbas,
M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State University, Aug 2011 (last known
position: Intel, OR)
"Design and
Implementation of Process Migration and Cloning in BLCR"
by Shobit Mishra, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina
State University, Aug 2011 (last known position: Intel, CA)
Virtualization Platforms for ARM-based Mobile Android Devices"
by Rahul Ramasubramanian, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina
State University, Jun 2011 (last known position: QualComm, NC)
"A Benchmark Suite to
Assess Software Routing Capabilities of Advanced Architectures"
by Sharmina Ahmed, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina
State University, Jun 2011 (last known position: Intel, OR)
Communication and I/O Tracing with Deterministic Replay at Scale"
by Karthik Vijayakumar, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina
State University, Aug 2010 (last known position: Intel, OR)
"Innovative schemes to suppport Incremental Checkpointing"
by Manav Vasavada, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2010 (last known position: Microsoft, WA)
"Memory Trace Compression and Replay for SPMD Systems using Extended PRSDs"
by Sandeep Budanur Ramanna, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2010 (last known position: NetApp, NC)
Making DRAM Refresh Predictable
by Balasubramanya Bhat, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, June 2010 (last known position: Apple, CA)
"Providing predictability for high end embedded systems"
by Raghuveer Raghavendra, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Jan 2010 (last known position: QualComm, NC)
"Preserving Time in Large-Scale Communication Traces"
by Prasun Ratn, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2008 (last known position: Intel, OR)
"Dynamic Page Migration on ccNUMA Platforms Guided by Hardware Tracing"
by Vivek Thakkar, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2008 (last known position: Intel, OR)
"Remote Data Collection
and Analysis using Mobile Agents and Service-Oriented Architectures"
by Harsha Girish, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Jul 2008 (last known position: Cisco, CA)
Virtualization for Proactive Fault-Tolerant Computing"
by Arun Nagarajan, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Apr 2008 (last known position: Nvidia, CA)
"Trace-Based Dependence
Analysis for Speculative Loop Optimizations"
by Ravi Ramaseshan, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Jun 2007 (last known position: Ph.D. student, NCSU)
"Scalable Compression and
Replay of Communication Traces in Massively Parallel Environments"
by Michael Noeth, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Aug 2006 (last known position: Nutanix, NC)
"Scalable, Fault-Tolerant
Membership for Group Communication on HPC Systems" by Jyothish Varma, M.S. Thesis, North Carolina State
University, Mar 2006 (last known position: SecureWorks, GA)
"Buddy Threading in Distributed Applications on Simultaneous Multi-Threading Processors" by Nikola Vouk, M.S., North Carolina State
University, Apr 2005 (last known position: IBM, NC)
"Hybrid online/offline optimization of Application Binaries" by Anubhav Dhoot, M.S., North Carolina State
University, Jul 2004 (last known position: Microsoft, WA)
"Frequency-aware Static
Timing Analysis for Power-aware Embedded Architectures" by Kiran Seth, M.S., North Carolina State
University, Dec 2003 (last known position: QualComm, NC)
"Compositional Static
Cache Analysis Using Module-Level Abstraction" by Kaustubh Patil,
M.S., North Carolina State University, Aug 2003 (last known position: VMware, CA)
"Analyzing Memory Performance Bottlenecks in OpenMP
Programs on SMP Architectures using ccSIM" by Anita Nagarajan,
M.S., North Carolina State University, Aug 2003, (last known
position: Intel, Bangalore, India)
"METRIC: Tracking Memory Bottlenecks via Binary Rewriting" by Jaydeep Marathe,
M.S., North Carolina State University, Jun 2003 (last known position: Nvidia Compiler Group, CA)
"Scalable Distributed
Concurrency Protocol with Priority Support" by Nirmit Desai,
M.S., North Carolina State University, Jun 2003 (last known
position: IBM Research, India )
"Träge Release-Konsistenz" by Peter Weisse,
M.S., Humboldt University Berlin, Feb 2002
"Effiziente dynamische Verwaltung von gemeinsam genutztem Speicher in einem verteilten System" by Nikolas Hahn,
M.S., Humboldt University Berlin, Mar 2001
"Kommunikation in
verteilten Systemen mit gemeinsamem Speicher" by Thomas Röblitz,
M.S., Humboldt University Berlin, Dec 2000 (last known
position: PhD candidate Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum
für Informationstechnik Berlin, Germany)
"Dynamische Speicherverwaltung in einem verteilten System mit gemeinsamen Speicher" by Nikolas Hahn,
Studienarbeit, Humboldt University Berlin, Mar 2000
"Träge Release-Konsistenz" by Peter Weisse,
Studienarbeit, Humboldt University Berlin, Feb 2000
"Algorithmen zum gegenseiten
Ausschluß in verteilten Systemen" by Claus Wagner,
M.S., Humboldt University Berlin, Dec 1999 (last known
position: research staff at Technion, Israel)
"Design and Implementation of a Flexible Report Generating Tool"
by Karla Müller,
M.S., Humboldt University Berlin, Dec 1999 (last known
position: ADtrans, Copenhagen, Denmark)
"Planbarkeitsanalyse von Ada-tasks in Echtzeitsystemen" by Oliver Bühn,
M.S., Technische Fachhochschule Berlin, Jul 1999 (last
known position: Raytek GmbH, Berlin, Germany)
"Thread Debug Interface -- TDI" by Daniel Schulz,
M.S., Humboldt University Berlin, May 1999 (honored as
best master's thesis in Computer Science at the Humboldt
University Berlin during the academic years of 1999 and 2000) (last
know position: Qcentric GmbH, Berlin, Germany)
"Bewertung von Algorithmen zum gegenseiten
Ausschluß" by Claus Wagner,
Studienarbeit, Humboldt University Berlin, Nov 1998
"POSIX Threads Debugger" by D. Schulz,
Studienarbeit, Humboldt University Berlin, Apr 1998
"Transforming Irreducible Regions of Control Flow into
Reducible Regions by Optimized Node Splitting" by Sebastian Unger,
Studienarbeit, Humboldt University Berlin, Jan 1998 (last known
position: Powerware, Christchurch, New Zealand)
"Avoiding Unconditional Jumps by Code Replication" by
Frank Mueller, M.S., Florida State University, Apr 1991
My academic lineage for those who might care.