• Read the following papers and presentations to understand the mathematics of AMG
Robert D. Falgout and Panayot Vassilevski, "On Generalizing the AMG Framework." Presented at Schnelle Löser für Partielle Differentialgleichungen, Oberwolfach, Germany, June, 2003. UCRL-PRES-150807
Robert D. Falgout, "Adaptive Algebraic Multigrid." Presented at the Seventh European Multigrid Conference, Hohenwart Forum, Germany, October, 2002. UCRL-PRES-149422
Robert D. Falgout, "HYPRE: High Performance Preconditioners." Presented at the DAM/DOE Meeting on Solvers, CEA/DAM Bruyères le Châtel, France, February, 2004. UCRL-PRES-140609-REV-1
Falgout, Robert D., Van Emden Henson, Jim E. Jones, and Ulrike Meier Yang, "BoomerAMG: A Parallel Implementation of Algebraic Multigrid," presented by Van Emden Henson at the 9th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing, San Antonio, TX, March 22, 1999. UCRL-MI-133583
Van Emden Henson, "An Algebraic Multigrid Tutorial," by Van Emden Henson. Presented at the Ninth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, Copper Mountain, CO, April 10, 1999. UCRL-MI-Jim E. Jones, "A Parallel Multigrid Tutorial," by Jim E. Jones. Presented at the Ninth Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods, Copper Mountain, CO, April 10, 1999. UCRL-MI-133748
• Helped in Profiling the AMG benchmark using the gprof to find the hotspots
• Helped in trying to compile the CML
• Started working in the hypreBoomerAMGRelax function
Relax function has a huge switch case statement that selects the techniques to relax among different options (for e.g. Jacobi, Gauss-Siedel). There are 9 such options. The default option is 6 which uses the hybrid: SSOR-symmetric gauss siedel off-processor, SSOR on-processor with outer relaxation parameters
• Identified the loops that needed to be ported to cell
• Identified private and shared variables