Student Name : Manav Vasavada
Project Title: BLCR extensions for incremental checkpointing
Course : CSC 548 - Parallel Systems
Email :
This project is about BLCR extensions for incremental checkpointing.
Incremental checkpointing is an optimization for checkpoint restart
mechanism to checkpoint only the modified area in the process address
space. In a simple checkpoint, entire process is checkpointed at each
checkpoint. However, some areas in the process which do not get
modified frequently need not be checkpointed at each stage. We can mark
all the modified areas and only checkpoint them. Doing so can save us
disk space and time since the entire process space need not be dumped
to the file.
At restart file all the files including the first full checkpoint are
overlapped one over the other with the most recent incremental
checkpoint on top and the process image is reconstructed. Care should
be taken about changes in the VM area over time. The restart process
will have a lower performance then the simple restart process.
The aim of this project is to compare two different approaches write
bit and dirty bit approach and analyze their performances.
"Hybrid Full/Incremental Checkpoint/Restart for MPI Jobs in HPC
Environments" Chao Wang, Frank Mueller, Christian Engelmann, Stephen L.
"Incremental Checkpointing for Grids", John Mehnert-Spahn, Eugen Feller, Michael Schöttner, Linux Symposium, Montreal, 2009
For the first report click here
Attachments (1)
project.pdf - on Nov 13, 2009 11:12 AM by Manav Vasavada (version 1)
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