The design consists of a GPS sensing application on the android platform which will monitor the GPS location of the phone and transmit the GPS co-ordinates to a centralized server, which processes the data and stores extracted information on a Google Apps database. Once the server senses that the person has stopped at a particular location for more than a certain threshold period of time, it is understood that (s)he has entered a service area. Once the person starts moving away from that GPS co-ordinate the server translates that as a service completion and records the time spent. This is entered into a database which keeps historical averages of time spent at that location. Once a service area has sufficient amount of historical record, the server will send out a reports to the users when they are about to enter that location, informing about the time the customer can expect to wait at a particular location. As mentioned another access method of this application is on Google maps, where points of interest are paired with the historical data of average time spent by people at that location, using the GPS co-ordinates as a key.