
NameTaskDue date Status
YasaswiniPorting cache coloring on Tegra3

1.Install PAPI library
3/19/2014 Done

2.Patch-up Linux kernel with colored-malloc implementation of LitmusRT3/25/2014 Done

3.Study changes required for Tegra3 cache coloring, identify and resolve implementation issues during booting of kernel4/08/2014 Done

4.Run Litmus-RT patched kernel, liblitmus based applications4/12/2014  Done

5.Run experiments and collect the results4/20/2014  Done

ShrinivasImplementing TLB coloring on Tegra3

1.Find virtual address to DTLB mapping for tegra 33/19/2014 Done

2.Design experiment which maps 3 pages to L2 DTLB ( 2 way set associative) - 3 pages are accessed in cyclic manner 3/30/2014 Done
  3. Find out how the L2 DTLB can be configured to support 128 entries. (take away the lockable entries)

4.Change tlb_malloc code to allocate for Tegra 3 - since there would be a change in the way mappings are done, there would be code changes required4/09/2014 Done

5.Design experiment to show worst case and best case for tlb coloring - similar to the one designed for Intel4/15/2014 Done

6.Run experiments and collect results4/21/2014 Done

PayalIntegration of TLB coloring and cache coloring

1.Study the functionalities and working of TLB coloring code in depth3/20/2014 Done

2.Study the functionalities and working of Cache coloring code in depth3/24/2014 Done

3.Running experiments of tlb_malloc and color_malloc module3/26/2014 Done

4.Integration of TLB coloring and Cache coloring4/12/2014 Done

5.Design test cases4/18/2014  Done

6.Integration testing of tlb coloring with cache coloring4/23/2014 Done

7.Run experiments ,collect and analyse the results4/26/2014 