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Frank Mueller+, Martin Schulz*, Bronis R. de Supinski*, Todd Gamblin*, Xiaosong Ma+, Philip Roth# Michael Noeth+, Sundeep Budanur Ramanna+, Prasun Ratn+, Karthik Vijayakumar+, Xing Wu+ + Department of Computer Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC *Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CASC, Livermore, CA #Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN |
Characterizing the communication behavior of large-scale applications is a difficult and costly task due to code/system complexity and long execution times. While many tools to study this behavior have been developed, these approaches either aggregate information in a lossy way through high-level statistics or produce huge trace files that are hard to handle. We contribute an approach that provides orders of magnitude smaller, if not near-constant size, communication traces regardless of the number of nodes while preserving structural information. We introduce intra- and inter-node compression techniques of MPI events that are capable of extracting an application's communication structure. We further present a replay mechanism for the traces generated by our approach and discuss results of our implementation for BlueGene/L. Given this novel capability, we discuss its impact on communication tuning and beyond. To the best of our knowledge, such a concise representation of MPI traces in a scalable manner combined with deterministic MPI call replay are without any precedent.
ScalaTrace Results - NAS PB Experiment
We assess the effectiveness of our framework through experiments using the MPI NAS benchmarks as well as large, scientific applications on BlueGene/L. Our results confirm the scalability of our on-the-fly MPI trace compression by yielding orders of magnitude smaller or even near constant size traces for processor and problem scaling. ScalaTrace uses a bi-level compression approach: after creating trace records for each observed MPI event, we first perform node local (intra-node) compression, followed by a global (inter-node) compression step. Both steps must provide lossless, yet space-efficient compression requiring us to extract and to store the underlying structure of the communication. As a result, we can represent repetitive MPI events in loops with identical parameters in constant size.
Constant size traces: EP, IS and DT ![]() Trace file size: Near constant size ![]() Memory Usage: Near constant size |
Sub-linear traces: MG, LU ![]() Trace file size: sub-linear ![]() Memory Usage: Sub-linear |
Non-scalable traces: FT, BT, CG ![]() Trace file size: not (yet) scalable ![]() Memory Usage: Non-Scalable |
The figures show the trace file sizes for the NPB suite on a log-scale. We can distinguish three categories of codes, those that result in near constant-size traces, regardless of the number of nodes, those with sub-linear scaling of trace size as the node count increases and those that do not scale (yet). DT, EP and IS exhibited near-constant trace sizes irrespective of number of tasks; LU and MG showed sub-linear scaling with number of tasks; and BT, CG, and FT resulted in faster growing non-scalable traces sizes.
The runtime overhead is depicted on a logarithmic scale with intra-node compression and with inter-node compression. The first two include the overhead of writing a trace file per node to the parallel file system while inter-node includes the overhead of inter-node compression and that of writing the compressed trace at the root node.
We replayed compressed traces to ensure MPI semantics are preserved to verify that the aggregate number of MPI events per MPI call matches that of the original code and that the temporal ordering of MPI events within a node are observed. The results of communication replays confirmed the correctness of our approach.
ScalaReplay Results - NAS PB Experiment
The figures below depict the aggregated wall-clock times across all nodes for NPB codes. For each set of results, five bars are shown:
Bar 1: Original aggregated application execution time.
Bar 2: Aggregated execution time when linked with mpiP.
Bar 3: Aggregated replay time with no compression (flat).
Bar 4: Intra-node compression aggregated replay time.
Bar 5: Global compression aggregated replay time.
Global compression includes both intra and inter-node compression. We measure the times for bars 2 - 5 with mpiP and report the mpiP-measured communication and computation time. The data produced by mpiP also supports comparison of statistical data of call frequencies during replay with the mpiP run. These results validate that the replay engine correctly emulates the application's MPI usage. We varied the task count for each benchmark to assess the effect of strong scaling on the measured metrics.
![]() FT |
![]() BT |
![]() MG |
Performance modeling for scientific applications is an important task for assessing potential performance, bottlenecks and assist in hardware procurement for high-performance computing (HPC) systems. Currently, modeling is performed through a tedious process of code inspection and manual model development, sometimes complemented by microbenchmark evaluations and application tracing on a given platform.
Recent progress on communication tracing provides novel opportunities for communication modeling. The latest communication tracing techniques achieve lossless trace collection, preserve event ordering and encapsulate time in a scalable fashion. However, estimating the impact of scaling on communication efficiency is still non-trivial due to execution-time variations and exposure to hardware and software artifacts.
This work contributes a fundamentally different performance modeling scheme than past approaches. By extrapolating communication traces (see topology extrapolation in figure) and execution time of a parallel application, a set of traces for smaller number of compute nodes provides the base to synthetically generate a trace for larger number of nodes. The extrapolated trace can subsequently be (a) replayed to empirically detect scalability problems and (b) analyzed to detect communication patterns or determine constraints on scalability.
Communication Extrapolation
![]() 2D |
![]() BT |
![]() LU |
We evaluated the timing extrapolation results with static trace comparison. Figure above depicts the extrapolation accuracy of the 2D Stencil, BT, EP, FT, IS and LU codes respectively, for a varying number of nodes (on a log-scale x-axis). We observe that, for each of the 2D Stencil, BT, EP, and FT benchmarks, the average extrapolation accuracy is higher than 70%, in case of the 2D Stencil benchmark and EP as high as 90%.
As supercomputer performance approached and then surpassed the petaflop level, I/O performance has become a major performance bottleneck for many scientific applications. Several tools exist to collect I/O traces to assist in the analysis of I/O performance problems. However, these tools either produce extremely large trace files that complicate performance analysis, or sacrifice accuracy to collect high-level statistical information. We propose a multi-level trace generator tool, ScalaIOTrace, that collects traces at several levels in the HPC I/O stack. ScalaIOTrace features aggressive trace compression that generates trace files of near constant size for regular I/O patterns and orders of magnitudes smaller for less regular ones. This enables the collection of I/O and communication traces of applications running on thousands of processors.
Our contributions also include automated trace analysis to collect selected statistical information of I/O calls by parsing the compressed trace on-the-fly and time-accurate replay of communication events with MPI-IO calls. We evaluated our approach with the Parallel Ocean Program (POP) climate simulation and the FLASH parallel I/O benchmark. POP uses NetCDF as an I/O library while FLASH I/O uses the parallel HDF5 I/O library, which internally maps onto MPI-IO.
![]() Multi-Level IO Tracing |
![]() FlashIO: Perfect compression |
![]() POP: 2 orders magn. less |
We evaluated our ScalaIOTrace prototype in two aspects: (1) its effectiveness of communication-I/O trace file compression, and (2) its capability of collecting statistical information on I/O and communication activities via replaying the compressed traces. For such evaluation, we experimented with (1) a complex parallel I/O benchmark, Flash I/O [1], which is closely modeled after the FLASH astrophysics code, and (2) a production-scale climate simulation application, the Parallel Ocean Program (POP).
Flash I/O results depict the size of trace files generated by two approaches over increasing number of nodes, both on log scale. The size of the uncompressed trace files grows linearly with increasing number of nodes. The reason for this behavior is that each node writes its own trace file and the number of files created grows with the increase in the number of nodes. In contrast, the size of the inter-node compressed traces is almost constant under strong scaling.
POP results show the trace file size for different types of trace collections by varying the maximum blocks allocated to nodes. The figure shows that intra-node compression alone can reduce the trace file size by an order of magnitude. Not surprising, internode compression brings further trace size reduction. However, unlike observed in our previous experiment with FLASH I/O, internode compression here fails to obtain near-constant trace file sizes. Instead we see a linear increase in the file size up to 256 nodes. Then, trace file sizes flatten for 512 and 1024 nodes since timestep behavior becomes more regular at 1024 nodes resulting in more effective inter-node compression at this size.