AMG is a parallel algebraic multigrid solver for linear systems arising from problems on unstructured grids. The driver provided for this benchmark builds linear systems for various 3D problems. It uses the HYPRE library built at Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
We are currently involved in porting the multigrid solver to the NVIDIA CUDA platform. By accelerating the execution of computational "hotspots" within the benchmark, we hope to achieve a much faster execution.
This project is being developed as part of the CSC 548: Parallel Systems coursework at North Carolina State University under the guidance of Dr. Frank Mueller.
- Keerthana Boloor (kboloor@ncsu.edu)
- Karthikeyan Sivaraj (ksivara@ncsu.edu)
- Poonam Shidlyali (pashidly@ncsu.edu)