Quantum supremacy:
Quantum advantage with
shallow circuits by Sergey Bravyi, David Gosset, Robert Koenig
in arXiv:1704.00690, Apr 2017, also in
19 Oct 2018: Vol. 362, Issue 6412, pp. 308-311,
DOI: 10.1126/science.aar3106,
Each student will present multiple papers. Slides (ppt) are due 48
hours before the presentation via e-mail to the instructor. Assume
two minutes per slide to allow for questions, with a hard limit of 25
slides per presentation. Be
sure to include 1-2 slides on open problems / criticism. And notice
that any result graph slides must have 1-2 bullets (main findings).
You are responsible to print out sufficient copies of the
Evaluation Form, which is handed out to
the audiance and fed back to you after the instructor/TA evaluates
it. (The main purpose of this form is to give YOU feedback, its
consideration of grading is secondary -- if it all.)
Topic (please see calendar for dates):
Quantum languages:
- (10/22)ScaffCC:
A Framework for Compilation and Analysis of Quantum Computing
Programs. Ali JavadiAbhari, Shruti Patil, Daniel Kudrow, Jeff
Heckey, Alexey Lvov, Frederic T. Chong, Margaret Martonosi. ACM
International Conference on Computing Frontiers, May 2014. Best
Paper Award. ScaffCC on
github. related
slides. Frank Mueller's slides
as last part of
(from minute 44 onward)
- (10/31)
Quipper: A Scalable Quantum Programming Language.
Alexander S. Green, Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine, Neil J. Ross.
PLDI'13.Brody Eastwood's slides
as video
Other Quipper papers:
- (10/31)
QWIRE: a core language for quantum circuits.
Jennifer Paykin,
Robert Rand,
Steve Zdancewic.
POPL'17. slides
Ashlesha Atrey's slides
(from minute 32 onward)
- (11/7)
Compiler Management of Communication and Parallelism for Quantum Computation.
Jeff Heckey,
Shruti Patil,
Ali JavadiAbhari,
Adam Holmes,
Daniel Kudrow,
Kenneth R. Brown,
Diana Franklin,
Frederic T. Chong,
Margaret Martonosi.
George Li's slides
as video (from minute 34 onward)
- (11/7)
Ancilla-quantum cost trade-off during reversible logic synthesis using exclusive sum-of-products.
Chattopadhyay, A., Pal, N., Majumder, S.
Malcolm Regan's slides
as video
- (11/19)
Quantum circuits for floating-point arithmetic.
Thomas Häner, Mathias Soeken, Martin Roetteler, Krysta M. Svore.
arXiv:1807.02023. Reversible Computation 2018.
Sreeraj Rajendra's slides
- (11/19)
Tools for Quantum and Reversible Circuit Compilation.
Martin Roetteler.
Reversible Computation 2017.
Harsh Khetawat's slides
QC architecture:
- (11/5)
Experimental comparison of two quantum computing architectures.
Norbert M. Linke, Dmitri Maslov, Martin Roetteler, Shantanu Debnath, Caroline Figgatt, Kevin A. Landsman, Kenneth Wright, and Christopher Monroe.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (13), 3305-3310.
Varun Garg's slides
(from minute 31 onward, no sound, recording problem)
- (11/5)
QuMA: A Microarchitecture for a Superconducting Quantum Processor.
Fu, X. and Rol, M. A. and Bultink, C. C. and van Someren, J. and Khammassi, N. and Ashraf, I. and Vermeulen, R. F. L. and de Sterke, J. C. and Vlothuizen, W. J. and Schouten, R. N. and Almudever, C. G. and DiCarlo, L. and Bertels, K.
Mahita Nagabhiru's slides
as video (no sound, recording problem)
Error Correction:
- (11/26)
An Introduction into Fault-tolerant Quantum Computing.
Alexandru Paler, Simon J. Devitt, DAC'15.
Mahita Nagabhiru's slides
as video
- (11/26)
Magic-State Functional Units: Mapping and Scheduling Multi-Level Distillation Circuits for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Architectures.
Yongshan Ding, Adam Holmes, Ali Javadi-Abhari, Diana Franklin, Margaret Martonosi, Frederic T. Chong
Malcolm Regan's slides
as video
- (12/3)
Is error detection helpful on IBM 5Q chips?.
Christophe Vuillot.
Anushka Gupta's slides
as video
Machine learning:
- (11/28)
Applying quantum algorithms to constraint satisfaction problems.
Earl Campbell, Ankur Khurana, Ashley Montanaro.
George Li's slides
as video (from minute 38 onward)
- (11/28)
Quantum Convolutional Neural Networks.
Iris Cong, Soonwon Choi, Mikhail D. Lukin.
Sreeraj Rajendra slides
as video
- (11/14)
Bayesian Deep Learning on a Quantum Computer.
Zhikuan Zhao, Alejandro Pozas-Kerstjens, Patrick Rebentrost, Peter Wittek.
Brody Eastwood's slides
- (11/14)
Implementing a distance-based classifier with a quantum interference circuit.
Maria Schuld, Mark Fingerhuth, Francesco Petruccione
Varun Garg's slides
- (12/??)
Quantum cryptography: A survey.
Dagmar Bruss, Gábor Erdélyi, Tim Meyer, Tobias Riege, Jörg Rothe.
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) Surveys, Volume 39 Issue 2, 2007, Article No. 6 .